Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

We all know that the cloud is growing at the expense of server rooms and data centers. But Cisco predicts in its Cisco Global Cloud Index that by 2021 “hyperscale data centers,” that is cloud centers, will represent 53 percent of all installed data center servers. Read More
I am so sick and tired of crap security news about Android and Linux. In the latest example, GoSecure claims it's discovered Chaos: a Stolen Backdoor Rising Again. Yeah. Right. Let's look closer. Read More
You may be moving your mission-critical applications to a serverless architecture sooner than you think. Read More
You no longer have a choice about locking down your website. Google will mark all non-HTTPS sites as insecure this July. It's time to lock your site down, and Let's Encrypt gives you a free and easy way to do it. Read More
Well, that didn’t take long. While Microsoft claims that Windows 10 S is now a Windows 10 “mode,” the truth is that this attempted counter to Google Chrome OS has floundered. Read More
Every company in the world now uses open-source software. Microsoft, once its greatest enemy, is now an enthusiastic open supporter. Even Windows is now built using open-source techniques. And if you ever searched on Google, bought a book from Amazon, watched a movie on Netflix, or looked at your f Read More
The patches, as expected, brought Linux's performance down, but their impact has not been as bad as feared. Read More
Skype snap widens the popular communications' program availability on Linux desktops, with easy installation and automatic updates. Read More
Who needs to pay for Microsoft Office when you can get LibreOffice 6.0 for free?

OK, if you are tied at the hip to Microsoft Office I can see why you'll continue to pay year after year for your Office subscription. But, seriously, if you're not, why aren't you using the newest version of LibreOf Read More
This deal brings Red Hat, the leading Linux company, and CoreOS, a leading container and Kubernetes company, together. Read More

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