Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

All the major Linux distributions have now released their Intel chip meltdown patches. But, someone must retune all those servers to get their performance up to speed and replace network devices and servers running up-to-date Linux distros. Read More
In 1989, the Internet was still largely used by researchers, academicians, and the military. By 1993, it was well on its way to being the Internet you know. Two developments made this happen: CIX, net neutrality's ancestor, and the web. Here's how it happened. Read More
Kubernetes is great for cloud container orchestration, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Not yet anyway. Read More
Fixing Meltdown and Spectre will take Linux -- and all other operating systems -- programmers a long, long time. Here's where the Linux developers are now. Read More
Get ready to patch every piece of computing gear in your home and company to deal with this CPU nightmare. And, when I say "every," I mean every. Read More
Torvalds and company are not happy with Intel as they continue to move forward with delivering Linux security patches for Meltdown and Spectre. Read More
Machine Learning meets Kubernetes and it's looking good so far by using Kubernetes as the foundation for machine-learning software stacks. Read More
A serious security memory problem in all Intel chips has led to Linux's developers resetting how to deal with memory. The result will be a more secure, but -- as Linux creator Linus Torvalds says -- slower operating system. Read More
Even today if you need to upload massive amounts of data you still can't beat the proverbial station wagon full of tapes--or solid-state drives these days. Read More

Rotten Apple

Rotten Apple  - Avatar Posted by sjvn under Technology
From 2366 days ago
The iPhone battery ripoff shows Apple for what it really is: a company determined to make bucks at your expense. Read More

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