Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Linux Foundation has just introduced open-source style licenses for open data. This is a Big Data game changer. Read More
The latest version of Ubuntu Linux is here with the GNOME desktop as its new interface, as Ubuntu bids adieu to its own takes on the Linux desktop. Read More
For the love of God, just because you're running on a cloud doesn't mean you can stop using basic security practices. Read More
WIth Kubernetes it's becoming easier and easier to manage your cloud's entire container workload lifecycle. Read More
In these days after the Equifax security disaster, we need to be more careful than ever with our personal information. Here are some privacy basics. Read More
To make the most of today's containers, servers, virtual machines, and clouds, you need to deploy DevOps in your enterprise. Or, you can let your rivals put you out of business. It's your choice. Read More
The first mass-market instant message success story, AIM, is coming to a close. For all its popularity, AOL never really gave it a chance to make money. Read More
Until recently there were three major contenders for the spot as top cloud container orchestration program: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesosphere. It’s now down to two. Mesosphere has thrown in the towel and is adopting Kubernetes into DC/OS. Read More
The bare-bones of what you must do when a disaster comes barreling down at your business's IT. If you don't, well it was nice doing business with you. Read More
The first 48 hours after a data breach is discovered are a critical period when the reputation of the company is on the line—and, as hours turn into weeks, so are potentially the jobs of the CEO, CIO and CISO. Read More

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