Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you just read the headlines, it sounds like Android is a security mess. There's a report about one Android malware program after another. What's not said is that often these Android viruses require a user to be a sucker to get them. But since a sucker is born every minute, Google does its best t Read More
What do you call a server with no server functionality? Junk. Apple is done with the server business. Read More
We all want to look our best, especially when we're using video for a remote business meeting. These ten tips will make sure you can join that video conference with confidence. Read More
25 years ago there was no Facebook, Google, or Wikipedia, then along came the first popular web browser: Mosaic. Read More
Another day, another story about Android malware that can only smack you if you're an idiot. Enough already! Read More
Do you think no one's going to bother with trying to hack your small business website? Think again and start defending your site. Read More
With Linux running one in three server instances on Azure, it's past time to learn how to do a good job of running Linux on Microsoft's Azure cloud. Read More
At first I thought Apple would get away with deliberately slowing down its older iPhones when their batteries aged. I mean, when it comes to techno fandom loyalty, you can’t beat hardcore Apple fans. They love their iGadgets. But maybe I was wrong. Read More
The headlines are all about how the Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities will affect Windows PCs, but the real problems are how these bugs will impact servers and the cloud. Read More
With all the hub-bub about Meltdown and Spectre, AMD CPUs are widely regarded as being perfectly safe. Well AMD chips may be safer, but they're not invulnerable. Read More

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