Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Businesses need to keep going even when faced with torrential flooding or earthquakes. Sysadmins who lived through Katrina, Sandy, and other disasters share real-world advice for anyone responsible for IT during an emergency. Read More
An important part of big data is turning the results into information stakeholders easily can grasp. An obvious tactic is data visualization. But there are oh-so-many ways to do that the wrong way. Here’s 11 data viz practices you absolutely should avoid, along with the right way to present data vi Read More
CodeWeavers' CrossOver, which has long enabled you to run Windows programs on Linux and macOS, now lets you run Windows programs on advanced Chromebooks. Read More
There are countless data visualization types out there to help your small business get its message across. However, you have to know what you're looking for. Read More
Malware makers, phishers, they really are all out to get you. Here's how to stop them in their tracks. Read More
In May 2017, there were three major cloud container orchestration programs: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesosphere. Today, for all practical purposes, there's only one: Kubernetes. Read More
Look, ma! No SIM card! With the new eSIM, you can change carriers without prying out your physical SIM card. Read More
Executives must be exemplary users of corporate security. It's time to make them ditch easy-to-guess passwords and incorporate multifactor authentication method Read More
Businesses developers, not the basement-dwelling, bearded introverts of urban legend, are building Linux faster than ever. Read More
Look out Amazon Web Services, by using Kubernetes and Istio, Google will enable Cisco customers to easily move and run their applications both on their own data centers and Google Cloud Platform. Read More

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