Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

When some folks hear “North Carolina,” they might think of Andy Griffith in Mayberry. But while Mount Airy (the real-life Mayberry) is a sweet little town, North Carolina is a hotbed of growing cities and cutting-edge technology jobs. And nowhere is that more true than in the state’s Research Trian Read More
Let's Encrypt is easy to use and free -- no wonder it's the most popular Certificate Authority for securing websites. Here's how you can use it. Read More
When it comes to open-source, cats and dogs, or Lyft and Uber anyway, both share their code for mutual profits. Read More
How hard is it to retain tech pros? Ridiculously hard, especially with rival companies willing to pay premiums in order to steal away specialized talent. Here's how to keep your best without blowing the budget. Read More
BlueBorne is a set of Bluetooth security holes that just keeps on hitting. Besides smartphones and Windows, it seriously impacts Linux desktops and servers. Read More
As Kubernetes cloud container orchestration grows ever more important, so does the need for qualified Kubernetes administrators. Help is available now. Read More
It's 2017, and some people still don't understand why open source is vital for business and how to really make the most of it. The Linux Foundation and its corporate partners are ready to explain it to you. Read More
The credit rating giant claims an Apache Struts security hole was the real cause of its security breach of 143 million records. ZDNet examines the claim. Read More
The latest version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server extends the business Linux server to new processors and it improves performance and security. Read More
The popular DevOps program Ansible is being made available in a new package and with additional features. Read More

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