Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Old business models are being turned upside-down by new cloud-based technologies. Hotels will never be the same after Airbnb arrived and the taxi industry as we've known it may not survive Lyft and Uber. Other industries are more resistant to the cloud. One example is insurance, but even insurance Read More
All of your arguments against desktop Linux are outdated and irrelevant. Don't believe me? Giver Linux Mint a try. Read More
Cloudflare's new Domain Name System promises to both speed up your internet access and protect your privacy. Read More
Heather Kirksey held up her smartphone. "How often do you stare at your smartphone? How often do you use the Internet on your phone?" asked the vice president of network functions virtualization (NFV) and director at the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), speaking at the Open Networking Summit. "That's Read More
25 years ago, in Bob Young wife's sewing room, the most successful of all Linux and open-source software companies got its start. Young and current Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst share their thoughts on Red Hat's journey. Read More
If you installed a Facebook app to your Android smartphone, odds are good that Facebook has been logging your phone calls and text message data ever since. Read More
If Apple can't get its iOS operating system working it may finally lose its customers to Android smartphone OEMs. Read More
The SMACK stack -- Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, and Kafka -- attempts to do for Big Data with the LAMP stack did for the web and Linux. Read More
Linux's creator said he thinks CTS Labs' AMD chip security report "looks more like stock manipulation than a security advisory" and questions an industry. Read More
For years we’ve used older system management tools such as Ivanti LANDESK, Kaseya VSA and Dynatrace Application Monitoring. They’re still great, but as we move to the cloud, containers and continuous integration and development (CI/CD) DevOps programs such as Puppet, Chef and SaltStack have risen Read More

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