These stories submitted by Effectwebagency became hot on BizSugar

How to build traffic can feel like a mystery, that’s why we’ve created several training tools tackling different parts of how to build traffic and bring people to your website. Read More

Less Clutter. More Value.

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 3599 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on September 23, 2014 10:29 am
Clutter creeps up on you, builds a maze for your visitors and stifles results. Let’s identify how it happens and what to do about it. Read More

Oodles of Eyeballs

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on July 29, 2013 11:10 am
We’re an obsessive bunch. As marketers and Web developers we dream of hoards of qualified traffic visiting our Web sites. We get hyped up over Web analytics reports and incessantly want to improve how well our site is performing. While that in itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s time to shift our energy Read More

Adapting to a Buyer Dominated Marketplace

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on July 29, 2013 11:00 am
The change in media consumption combined with a down economy have shifted the power further away from sellers and thrust more into the hands of the buyers. Consumers and decision makers have more voltage than ever before. Read More

Seventh Passion

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on July 28, 2013 8:36 pm
Here at Effect Web Agency we’ve been doing quite a bit of inward looking and thoughtful contemplation about who we are as an organization and where we want to go. So when a trusted friend in the industry recently asked us, “what are you passionate about?” it really got me thinking.

Having a pass Read More
Let’s say you hire a salesman for your business. Upon hiring him you provide training, give him all the tools he will need, and then send him forth to do his job. However, you know it’s not a one time thing. You know that for him, and ultimately your business to be successful, he will need ongoing Read More
It’s interesting to think about what makes your customers bail on you at the last minute. They’ve come 90% of the way by putting items in the shopping cart or filling out the majority of a contact form. But before they commit they’ve gotten cold feet and jumped ship.

One theory points to the uns Read More
Americans are soaking up screen time like never before. Although TV usage is up slightly, it is online and mobile video that are growing the fastest.

According to Nielsen’s Three Screen report, online video usage is up 13% from a year ago. Also this week Mashable reported that a whopping 20 hour Read More

4 Tips to Push Past Writers Block

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4026 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 24, 2013 8:36 am
Recently I found myself in the midst of a serious case of writers block. I was trying to write some content for a new Web site and rather than the text being short, punchy, and valuable I found myself droning on and on, paragraph after paragraph. It felt more like a 10th grade yawn-fest history rep Read More

Social Networks Are Our Reality Shows

Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4026 days ago
Made Hot by: Llewellyn on July 24, 2013 2:48 am
Before the explosion of social networking many people turned to reality shows to get their entertainment. They were obsessed over the persona’s of certain characters and how the dramatic staged events would eventually play out.

A funny thing happened with the rise of social media. Instead of loo Read More

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