These stories submitted by Inspiretothrive will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Open graph tags are a blogger’s best defense. Social media optimization has become paramount to the success of bloggers due to the effects of Google’s algorithm changes. Penguin and Panda reduced the currency of links. While still important, they don’t have the same value for SEO. Bloggers need to Read More
Will Your Restaurant Be Found Easily Today? Did you know in the coming 2 years that 9 out of 10 people will own a smartphone? Have you tried to buy a mobile phone recently and found they are 1 or 2 if any flip phones left? I was at the mobile store yesterday looking for a screen saver for my Galaxy... Read More
Bing Webmaster Tools – How They Differ From Google’s Tools and Why It Is So Important Today...Do you check your Bing Webmaster tools? They offer some different insights on your website than Google does. It’s a great way to check if your site is coming up well on Bing, and the Yahoo networks. (They Read More
You are familiar with the term “PageRank”. Aren’t you?

Oops… Not “Page Rank”, “Pagerank” or “Page-rank” friends. It’s PageRank! :)

Even if you are not familiar with how PageRank is being calculated, at least, you know the PageRank of your site. Don’t you? If you haven’t bothered yet to find o Read More
SEO Guide – Where Does One Start?
A question came up the other day from my post on SEO vs social media. A reader wanted to know where does one start with learning SEO? So in response to that I found this adorable infographic, with definitions and other places I read on the latest SEO happenings. Read More
Blog Burnout – Do you feel burnout from blogging and spending time on social media? After 334 posts I started to feel it. BURNOUT! Maybe because it’s mid summer and I wanted to spend more time outdoors or having family in from out of town. I just felt there wasn’t enough time to blog or be on socia Read More
Learn how to bring your website back after the wrath of Google from SEO changes. You can bring it back up in the search engine with some time and effort. Read More
Does your logo make people feel things and want to purchase your product by looking at it? A great logo can do that for your business. Read More
Should your small business be pinning on Pinterest? It's the hottest social media craze that can drive sales to your website now. Read More
Guest Blogging Qualifying Article Blogging has really been around since the caveman days. The drawings on the walls told stories of what happened during their days or to let others know what to avoid in their area.
Blogging today is not just about posting stories on a wall - it is about shar Read More

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