These stories submitted by JVRudnick will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Okay a short post today…but here’s what I did as the background to my title of today’s post.

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of various SPAMs that I’ve received over the past 60 days…and gee, I must be a popular guy.

Or maybe we all are? Anyways…here’s’ what I’ve gathered over the past Read More
Yes, it’s Friday again, and my mind turns to the weekend, and how nice it’ll be to NOT work 12 hours on the computer but cut that way way down to maybe only 6 or 7. Yes, I know…but that’s the type of guy that I am – sort of a semi-geek, semi-startupDude and semi-investor…but that’s fodder for anoth Read More
Okie-dokie….you know by now about Negative SEO. You’ve read up on same all over the web, right? A simple google for same brings up almost 10,000 links to stories, blog posts, forums and the like explaining what it is and how it works.

And the fact, that yes…it’s truly something to think about. Read More
As most of our readers know, we’re very much involved in Snappay, our mobile POS app that is available in the Apple store…and it’s adoption by merchants all across the globe.

But as you’ve just read, we’re available right now ONLY in the Apple store for the iPhone or iPad devices, our Android pr Read More
Okay, if you realize that I’ve pitched before to Angels, VCs and in competitions and you know that just last Thursday here in #HamOnt, our Lion’s Lair 2012 Pitch Competition was taped, then maybe you know what’s coming.

That I killed it, I aced it….would be how I felt I did for our Snappay mobil Read More
It’s a beautiful Friday once again, and I’d rather be out in the sunshine say sitting on a patio having a nice Chardonnay today, that working online…but one must do what one must do, eh!

And todays week-ending blog post is about our Snappay app and coverage of our Top Ten Finalist rankings for Read More
Okay, after much thought on same, I felt that I should post here some slides from our upcoming Thursday Lion’s Lair 2012 Pitch Competition….and that in doing so, I could show you what we’re going to be presenting.

I’ve not included in the speaking scripts for same…as that would be too much to o Read More
It’s Friday again, and yes I want to show an infographic that I found inadvertantly that offers up a spotlight on our SEO world on the web.

What I mean by that is what kind of statistics that come to light when you look at Google Insights, Google Adwords, Google Trends, Wikipedia, SEOmoz, Search Read More
Right off the top of my head today, I am thinking about the four steps that anyone or any company must think about BEFORE attempting a Social Media campaign.

Four steps.

Four important steps to ponder on before you invest the time and effort into any marketing campaign using social media. A Read More
Okay, so we’re famous. Well, maybe not quite yet…but at least someone on the other side of the video camera thought enough of our presentations on Snappay, that we got taped and here’s a few links to same for some PR publicity.

Please do go and look at same, eh…I’d love to see us get like milli Read More

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