These stories submitted by JVRudnick will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It’s not too often that I’m surprised anymore, as at my age I’ve about seen and done most everything when it comes to business – both as a success and as a failure too, here in our wonderful Hamilton community.

But last evening at our Innovation Factory annual event – the Big DiF it’s called, I Read More
Yes, right up front, by using the “our” in this blog post, you should know that I’m involved with a new startup, Snappay that is a mobile POS system built for merchants to use their smartphone to charge a customer/client’s credit card. And I’m very pumped on this venture into the financial payments Read More
Sigh. And I mean just that….sigh. What are we going to do now, Canuck startups?

The US Senate, as nicely as you please, just passed today, the new JoBS Act, and guess what startups -crowdfunding is now LEGAL in the US.

You heard me. It’ legal. Sure, there’s a few i’s to dot and a couple of t’ Read More
Been thinking a long time about this post, which to be totally honest is about the whole TED movement which as I see it is truely a spectacular way to use “blue sky” thinking to make this world a better place for you and me. Or…is it?

First the background. TED stands for “technology, entertainme Read More
On March 8th, the group of US Congress bills, collectively called the JoBS Act (Jumpstart our Business Startups) passed the House of Representatives and now goes to the Senate….and IMHO, that spells trouble for our Canuck startup futures…but let me explain! You already know as a reader, that we’ve Read More
Just finishing up a brand new week and very chuffed about a brand new car dealership client too and with our normal Canadian SEO practice workload up a bit…. I’ve not got a ton of time today to expound on the following great infographics that popped up this week….but here they are, eh! Read More
Monday morning here and I’m still – one full week later – ruminating over the two-day seminar I attended last week that was billed as the “Business Vista Seminar:A New Beginning” and I’m still as pumped one week later as I thought I’d be! But let me explain in full…

As you may know, I’m one of t Read More
As many of you readers know, we run a successful SEO practice here in the Hamilton area…and it’s really what gets up up each day. That said, you may also know that we work damn hard here too for our startup community…and I am only one “spoke” in that wheel…but it surely provides us with lots to do Read More
Regular readers here will know that while we continue with our SEO practice, provide Mentoring to our Hamilton based Innovation Factory clients and have a startup or two of our own – we also very much look for leadership by any of our local community leaders. And it’s so dang nice to be able to rep Read More
Only so much time in a week, it appears and I’ve about run out of same! But not to worry, dear readers….here’s some “odd’s ‘n ends” that I’ve gathered up over the past week or so, that are cool, surprising and most of all, show potential for all of us involved in the digital arena, eh!

First up, Read More

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