These stories submitted by JVRudnick will be featured BizSugar's homepage

For those of you who don’t know our local Hamilton Spectator and our business community, it might come as a surprise to you that in last Saturday’s paper, our own Nick Bontis’s column entitled “Bontis on Business” he covered our own Snappay mobile POS app! And we’re chuffed!

Dr. Nick Bontis is Read More
Okay, it’s been a rough week – yeah, I know for you too… but especially since we’ve had everything from client fires to put out, new clients to pitch, clients to wine & dine (if that wasn’t you don’t worry, your turn is coming, eh!) and yes, doing the normal SEO practice work all week long too!
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A new item now on our Hamilton based Innovation Factory website is their publication of local success strories and the lead off one is of our own Snappay Founder, Lorne Lantz!

I am so proud of this young man – and yes, a reminder that I’m also involved with Snappay as their CMO and have been wor Read More
54 Hour event brings together designers, developers, and more to launch companies quickly!

Hamilton, ON (April 30, 2012) – Last weekend, 95 developers, designers, marketers, business professionals, animators, and engineers came together in the Collaboratory at Mohawk College to spend 54 hours tr Read More
Well, Thursday night really, but hey this is the only chance I’ll have in getting my normal Friday blog piece done and posted…because of my total commitment to our StartUpWeekend Hamilton:2 that begins tomorrow up at our Mohawk College and runs for three days straight!

My commercial over and if Read More
Okay, it’s not a normal Monday morning and while I’ve slept on my frustration, I can tell you that I am totally pissed off at two of the countries leading telecommunications companies – Rogers and Primus.

But let me explain – calmly. Rationally. In moderated tones rather than the screaming that Read More
Innovation Night is Hamilton’s key event for innovators and entrepreneurs to share and develop their ideas, practice and perfect their pitch, and present to their peers and the local innovation community…and we were there on Wednesday night for the latest rendition of same….and what night it was!
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Okay, the title is a bit muddy in it’s meaning, but what I did try to capture is that we – both myself and my latest startup – were featured in our local press and for that reason, it’s a #FabulousFriday! This is a double hit day and already we’ve had 8 phone call “congrats” too!

First the med Read More
Yes, it’s exactly the right time to think about our wonderful community and think investment! Money, sure, I mean money by all means, but that’s not what I’m really thinking about today…what I’m thinking about is the commitment of time – your time and in truth is there anything more valuable than t Read More
Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You are a small biz owner and you’ve heard that this “Twitter” online service is pretty much anything BUT business….and so why should you even consider adding this media outlet to your marketing mix?

So….with time being the major constraint in your world….why i Read More

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