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The restaurant industry struggled through a tough few years as the Great Recession slashed consumers’ spending on eating out. But the latest data from the National Restaurant Association and other industry trend-trackers indicate the industry may finally be out of the woods.
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While not a big sports fan, I watch a good bit of sports with my Dad and have watched the final day of the Masters with him over the past few years. I tend to find golf rather slow-paced, but the last day of a tournament is often riveting. This was certainly the case with last night’s epic playoff Read More
Are you marketing to luxury customers? Then you’ll want to know the results of the latest American Express Business Insights survey. The study of what luxury consumers are doing and spending had some surprising results. Here’s some of what American Express found:
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You’ve undoubtedly hear the saying, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes,” but this year, even taxes aren’t so certain. Without Congressional action, the tax cuts that were adopted during the Bush administration are set to expire at the end of the year, USA Today recently reported. But with a pr Read More
Are you using employee benefits as “bait” to lure, land and retain workers in your small business? After a few years in which employers downsized benefits to cut costs, Metlife’s 10th annual Study of Employee Benefits Trends found that more and more employers are realizing that benefits are more im Read More
How badly do today’s employees want to work virtually? An overwhelming 89 percent of workers in a new survey by project management platform provider Wrike said the ability to work virtually is a crucial fringe benefit in a job.
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Good news for small business owners: Consumer confidence is rising steadily, according to the latest Executive Briefing from BIGInsight. When asked how confident they were in chances for a strong economy, more than a third of consumers polled (34.8 percent) said they are very confident or confident Read More
The biggest tech gathering of the year, South By Southwest, introduced, shared and tested new ideas earlier this month. That’s where companies try to make a big splash and gain staying power. But, not all the ideas can survive and most of them fade into obscurity. I reached out to Shashi Bellamkond Read More
Good weather in most of the national, along with an increase in in consumer confidence, mean Easter holiday spending is projected to rise substantially from last year, according to NRF’s Easter spending survey, conducted by BIGinsight. The survey found Americans will spend an average of $145.28 on Read More
Do you use referrals to build your business? If not, you’re missing out. A new study by small business community found referrals are the number-one way small business owners find and form beneficial relationships that grow their businesses.
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