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The phases of brilliant web design and development are quite similar to creating a plan for a new product or creating a brief. Great planning is essential for great web design. Read More
Dominate the digital customer experience by adding self-service options like customization tools.

A European telecommunications company found that 70 percent of existing customer-service contacts could be delivered through digital solutions, and automation lowered their unit’s costs by 30 percen Read More
Audience buying, search, social, content marketing… almost all of today’s modern marketing techniques are built on the new gold currency of our era: branded data. Read More
Even though you optimize like crazy for keywords and keyword groups, don’t overlook another powerful, although somewhat mysterious, Google ranking factor: user behavior.

True to form, Google has never explicitly said that searchers’ behavior influences the way your web pages rank. But company ex Read More
The holiday season is officially here, which means millions of consumers will be pulling out their wallets (or purse) to buy those “hot” gifts. As a small business owner, you should capitalize on the holiday shopping trend by creating a sound online marketing strategy. Doing so will allow you to re Read More
Paid search and PPC: a super accessible beginner’s guide

Presenting a guide purely for the individual just entering the crazy world of search marketing.

This will hopefully touch on all the various elements you might hear uttered in the same breath as paid search, taking in such puzzling acro Read More
So you’ve deliberated, cogitated and digested to the point that your performance marketing strategy is like a finely oiled machine.

Spend goes in at the top and leads and sales come out at the bottom.

You can plan your marketing budgets down to the nearest penny and just open your laptop to w Read More
That’s kind of a loaded question, but if you’re just starting out with Adwords how do you know which Adwords campaign type is right for you?

Google Adwords

When advertising using Google Adwords, one of the many decisions you’ll have to make is choosing a campaign type. There are several diffe Read More
It feels like we’ve just barely ushered the kids back to school, but the faint sound of “Jingle Bells” is already wafting through the air. Thanksgiving? An afterthought.

Some brands are already airing holiday-themed TV spots or putting holiday decorations on display in-store. The holiday season Read More
What are ‘Nofollow’ Links and Do They Offer any SEO Benefit?

If you’ve performed any search engine optimization (SEO) work in the past, you may have come across the term “nofollow” being used to describe backlinks. Some webmasters and marketers avoid these links altogether, assuming they offer l Read More

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