These stories submitted by SellBetter will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Some people use certain words but never deliver on their meaning, while others demonstrate their intent through the way they act, not just mouthing the words. Read More
Making mistakes in sales is not always the best, but it is human and happens. When they do, you have a real opportunity to create the right impression with the buyer in the way you respond and handle things. Done right, it could all be in your favour at the end. Read More
While change is good, sales people need to understand that buyers are more interested in improvement, not just change for change sake. Sellers need to help buyers see and get excited about the results of the new solution, not just the fact that it is new and a change from the last. Read More
While there is a lot of things that sales people have to manage and juggle while executing a sales, making sure that their sales process is aligned with the buyer's buying process is key. Mismanaging this, leads to both longer sales cycles, lost sales and a lot of misspent energy and resources. Read More
Since sales don't unfold in a straight line, sales people should not be surprised at getting "no" along the way. In fact they should be looking for way to get some "No's" to help the sale along. Read More
Before Sales 2.0, there was Punk Sales. Malcolm McLaren like many others were able to combine marketing and sales to meet a demand missed by others. Read More
Options are great in buying a car or playing the upside on a stock, but they don't belong in selling. As an expert you should work to understand the buyers specific objectives, and present the best solution based on that. If you need to make adjustments make them based on further input from the buyer. Read More
There are some very predictable events in sales that need to be dealt with well in advance rather than when they may occur. One is the impact of vacation season on sales decisions. If you know that your decision maker will be on holiday in June, and you sales cycle is 90 days, you need to plan and execute now to avoid delays or no decisions. Read More
If you are in sales, front line, executive or in between, you have probably been involved in a discussion as to whether sales is an art, a science, or what specific mix of the two. Regardless of where you are on that issue, the one thing that remains constant is TIME. Time after all is the currency (as in tender) of sales. Read More
Multi-tasking is not all it's cracked up to be, nice phrase but in reality it is just an opportunity to not complete a whole bunch of things at once rather than getting them done well. Do one thing at a time, do it right and to the best of your ability, and you will find it takes less time than multi-tasking. Read More

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