These stories submitted by ShawnHessinger will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Small business expansion may seem like a crazy idea in the midst of an economic recession. But that's exactly the path some entrepreneurs have chosen either to react to an eroding market by introducing new product lines or to expand products and services while others are pulling back to weather hard economic times. The following article looks at Read More
Jake Robinson's new business start up is no day at the beach. The Darden MBA recipient came up with an unusual twist on an old idea in the world of beachfront advertising and is focused on growing that business significantly in the future. Read Jake's unusual story in this profile from AOL Small Business and a linked story from the Washington Po Read More
It's hardly a surprise that job loss in a recession might spur small business start up. In this article from USA Today, experts look at the trend and some entrepreneurs insist this business start up will play a major role in economic recovery. Still, the economic climate may make small business start up, a challenge in itself during good economic Read More
If you want to find the happiest people in the U.S., look first to small business owners, a recent survey says. Read the full article in the New York Times small business section along with an exhaustive list of how other workers rank. It's probably no surprise to anyone in this community that small business owners, who can often control their ow Read More
How to hire a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and when to hire one for your small business, is an important question to answer. In this video, Mike of, a fashion media company, emphasizes the need to use an accountant to avoid letting the bookkeeping part of your business distract you from developing your core products and service Read More
This HUGE resource from the U.S. Small Business Administration contains article after article and link after link of food for thought when considering how to go about starting your business. From writing a business plan to performing due diligence, this link provides a wealth of information and is a good bookmark for any would-be or existing entre Read More
Invesp Consulting presents this great list of the top 100 small business blogs via blogrank and includes Google ranking and other details. The list also includes a large smattering of blogs taking the topic of small business from every conceivable angle. This is a great resource if you happen to need to beef up your blogroll with some high quality Read More
When engaged in small business hiring, promote from within suggests Seth Goldman, President and TeaEO of Honest Tea. Though Coca-Cola Company purchased a 40 percent share in Goldman's startup in 2008, Honest Tea, specializing in bottled organic beverages, can fairly be called a small business. Goldman freely admits that the decision to promote fr Read More
In this report on financing options for your small business, Abby Prince of SmallBusinessNewz gives a run down of the kind of paperwork you will need to facilitate a business loan quickly, the types of loans or other funding sources (including friends and family) you may wish to consider and the positives and negatives of each. I'd be interested Read More
If you're starting a small business, you'll need a business plan, says Abby Prince of SmallBusinessNewz. Experts argue the business plan can be important for small businesses whether you plan to ever approach investors or not. A business plan can answer key questions and be a great exercise for entrepreneurs when considering their startup to det Read More

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