These stories submitted by ShawnHessinger will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Though many small business people will at first need to sell their own products or services there may come a time when hiring sales people will become a necessity. When that day comes, how can you separate the good from the bad and figure out which candidates are right for your business. At New School Selling, Steve Clark suggests 10 top mistakes Read More
This may the best, if somewhat controversial, list for people thinking about, or people making excuses to avoid, starting a business. Dane Carlson looks at what you REALLY need to start a small business by looking at what you don't. And what you don't need includes a long and, to some, alarming list including incorporation, an accountant, an att Read More
A great recent article from The Economist looks at the return of the big business model and the ecosystem between larger and smaller businesses. The thrust of the article, perhaps surprisingly, is that the most successful economies contain a mix of big and smaller businesses working side by side. In recent years, the article argues, an increasing Read More
In this post from, blogger Jeremy Schoemaker poses the question of whether two enterprises, one he has just encountered at a local fair and the other an idea he had for a Website that would predict the sex of your baby before birth...sort of. I have to admit I have a point of view on this one and have always used the yardstick of whe Read More
Want to know more about small business branding and get some important tips about how to get it right? In this great video Jeremy Shoemaker of, a blog dedicated to making money online, shows you how deceptively easy it can be to brand your business or product (or even yourself) with little money and few outside resources. The big tak Read More
Lisa of 2 Create a Website deals with the question of how to make money from your blog by looking at blogging not as a get rich quick scheme but simply as a business like any other. And, of course, since blogs usually involve a laptop and maybe one employee, you the blogger, the enterprise can rightly be called a small business too. In this great Read More
Here are marketing basics for small business from The article includes methods for growing your business and then a look at how small business and large business marketing differ. Marketing guide Laura Lake takes a look at how to get started with your small business marketing then also provides additional related posts. If you have a sm Read More
Though starting an online business may seem like the perfect home based business opportunity, be aware of some of the pitfalls awaiting the Internet entrepreneur. This post on the Biznez Blog looks at some of the worst problems that may stand in the way of becoming a successful online business owner. Above all, remember that all businesses present Read More
Small business should work where ever possible to get its piece of the economic stimulus package. Read the attached story from the Santa Monica Mirror about a workshop held in Southern California to keep local small business aware of what's available. Economic stimulus money in the billions is circulating to fund various projects. Contact your st Read More
The unemployed start small businesses with state funding. This story from msmbc looks at a handful of U.S. states managing an obscure program that seeks to turn unemployed people into entrepreneurs while they are allowed to continue collecting benefits. For the most part, the U.S., at least in some states, is somewhat unfriendly to unemployed peop Read More

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