These stories submitted by ShawnHessinger will be featured BizSugar's homepage

A unique small business would help welcome newcomers and introduce them to their new community...and make a profit from local businesses at the same time. This great guest post from Bizymoms on Dane Carlson's Business Opportunities Weblog is one you might not think of immediately. Sure, we've all seen those folks show up with gift baskets on TV Read More
Funding small business with credit cards can be a very bad idea. You probably didn't need this piece in the Los Angeles Times business section to tell you that, right? But credit crunch aside, a study finds the amount of unpaid credit card debt can be a pretty reliable indicator of whether or not your small business will survive. Again, use commo Read More
This link to an article on top 7 overrated small business ideas from Yahoo! Small Business comes with a reader's advisory from yours truly. Every now and then when I see posts like this on my Yahoo! landing page, I can't help but include them since they're certainly appropriate to bizSugar readers and members. It's very popular to come up with Read More
There has certainly been no shortage of stories, posts and comments questioning the future of social media for small business. But before you switch off your laptop or chuck your blackberry see this post from Twitter investor and VC superstar Fred Wilson. Of course, there has also been a flurry of articles, reports, posts and comments on the numbe Read More
The Wall Street Journal provides this story on how U.S. franchises are seeking overseas markets. In part, the newspaper reports this is due to saturation in U.S. markets by huge franchises like McDonald's, but also the move has been triggered by the credit crunch at home. Emerging markets in Brazil, Central and Eastern Europe and even India and C Read More
The New York Times creates a video series about small business in recession. Despite reports that the recession may be easing, these businesses are still hurting and its hard to say whether some, including a New York movie tourism service (talk about a niche), a bicycle manufacturer largely serving the decimated automotive industry and a New York Read More
TrueToLifeTracey is an entrepreneur and nurse who has created a lens on how to improve your business image over on Squidoo. Among her topics are: How to make your small company look like a big business, Location, how important is it? and Small Business Marketing. There's far too much in this informative Website to pack into this little summary. T Read More
Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach gives mompreneurs, and really all of us, 7 tips on how to land that first client. Obviously these could also be tips on how to enlarge your client base. Let's face it. Some of us may have literally happrened upon our exisiting clients and be at a loss about how to get more work. One important tip Lara suggests is Read More
Join Matthew Ringer in this interview with Jennifer Grassman, a Houston-based singer, on the topic of independent music as small business. Matthew is the operator of SmallBizBee, a small business Website often featured here on bizSugar. Look for an upcoming interview with Matthew on the bizSugar blog. The topic of independent music as a small busi Read More
Tom Pick of the WebMarketCentral Blog has a post (a followup really) on developing a creative email signature for your small business. So what is an email signature? Just read Tom's post and find out. Actually, it can work as a guide to where you are all over the Internet. From social media buttons, to blog url's, Twitter, Websites, contact phon Read More

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