These stories submitted by ShawnHessinger will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Can video marketing trump other mediums when it comes to spreading the word about your small business? It can, according to Caroline Melberg at the Small Business Mavericks blog. Why? Because, Carolinhe insists, video can inspire more trust than print or even audio only messages about your product or service. Video allows more levels of communicat Read More
Quit your day job and start a small business. It's every would-be entrepreneur's fantasy. But is it really the best way to go? Well, quitting your day job isn't tough but following through on your entrepreneurial dream sure is, says Matt over at Signal vs. Noise, the 37 Signals blog. Matt's argument makes a lot of sense, that staying with your Read More
As a followup to a recent link I posted called "Tips for Creating a Smoking Personal Brand" from Pamela Slim of the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog, here's another look at branding small business. In his blog, Andy Wibbles of Six Apart looks at what small business or personal branding is really all about. It isn't about creating an artificial Read More
You may believe your small business could benefit from being listed on Wikipedia, Matt McGee of Small Business Search Marketing isn't so sure. After all, he argues, in this recent post, what every business owner wants when someone is searching for their business on Google is to control as many of the sites that pop up in a search as possible. Mat Read More
Pamela Slim of the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog talks here about creating an authentic personal brand and how it can help your business. Slim has included not only a text post with bulleted tips but also a slide show with audio on the topic that she gives as part of presentations. Slim argues that creating an authentic brand can help you attrac Read More
This small business guide to text message marketing includes some important tips for those small business people who may believe sending text via cell phone is something only teenagers do. In fact, a wireless industry trade group says the use of the traditionally 160 character messages has seen some of its largest increase among people over the ag Read More
Small businesses see the economy improving according to a survey by Chase Card Services, part of J P Morgan Chase & Co. Here are some important points from the survey, according to this report from Reuters: 1. the survey questioned 168 chief and senior executives from the annual list of fastest-growing small companies. 2. Four out of f Read More
Andre Woolery, a serial entrepreneur, bootstrapped his startup MagnoGrip with $5,000 of his own money and $40,000 from family and friends. Still it remains an ongoing challenge to grow and expand his business while at the same time looking for the proper funding options to allow for expansion. Watch this video from BusinessWeek as Woolery tells hi Read More
Is the recession over and how has your small business fared? James Walton owns an executive recruiting business and writes the Black in Business blog and doesn't believe the recovery talk no matter what the economists say. In this reflective post, he talks about what he has seen as a small business person then opens the discussion to other small Read More
Recruiting for a business startup can be a true challenge Guy Kawasaki has some tips on how to create that all-important team. This post follows up on a contribution by fellow bizSugar contributor who recently also posted on this topic. If you're getting started with any business large or small, recruiting the people who will help you create your Read More

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