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These stories submitted by Ducttape will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Does Promotion Work on Twitter? So, if you've made it here from twitter you've probably concluded that this is either a brilliant ploy or I'm an idiot, but either way, there will be learning. If that's not how you got here you should know that I tweeted this today [Please click my junk ->< - and RT, *PLEASE* you know you want to] I c Read More
The Labor Day holiday in the U.S. was created as a way to celebrate and highlight the struggles of the American worker for organized rights. The way we work, the workforce, and what work even means has changed so much over the years that it almost calls for an entirely new definition. I've been asked to judge what I think is a pretty clever Read More
Adding video to email is a powerful way to double and triple the click your call to action in an email campaign might receive. Obviously, this will vary with other elements, but it's a pretty accepted and tested tactic. Read More
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn and 5 tips for Facebook) I'm covering some tips for business use of Twitter here. I've actually written about some of these tips in great detail before in this free ebook - Twitter for Business, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info sn Read More
If you've read this blog for any amount of time you know that my definition of marketing is getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you. And that's precisely why I give Chris Brogan and Julien Smith's book Trust Agents in the must read category. This is blatant promotion for someone who's earned my trust, as I hope I've earned yo Read More
Lots of folks are joining the ranks of “business owner” as a career path these days. Some by design and some, unfortunately, because they have little choice. Many of these business owners are choosing to open up coaching, consulting and service businesses in part because it's so darn easy to do. The barrier to entry is sometimes little more than p Read More
The folks at Wordtracker, a paid service that is a great tool for discovering and choosing keyword phrases for your web site based on things such as search popularity and competition, pointed out a little Firefox add-on to me recently that some bloggers might find rather handy. Read More
So, I know this post will draw the ire of some SEO folks, but that's alright, some need their ire drawn. SEO can be a complex science and there are those, Aaron Wall and Lee Odden come to mind immediately, that have much to add to the field of SEO when it comes to highly sophisticated implementations. Read More
The Federal Government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world and, perhaps as part of the economic recovery, getting bigger. Many people associate government contracts with things like vehicles and missiles, but the U.S. Government buys every imaginable product and service and tries very hard to make a substantial portion of t Read More
Many issues swirl around the topic of health insurance when it comes to small business. It's a subject that plagues small businesses and threatens to slow the real growth needed to pull out of the recession. Small business owners have long been penalized in the effort to offer insurance to their employees and those with pre-existing medical condit Read More

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