These stories submitted by Irfanahmad1989 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Did you know that in ONE second you've been on this page, Google has earned $1991 dollars.

What if I told you on average 4544 Google searches are made and 84612 YouTube videos are viewed each second.

A new interactive data visualization from Buddy Loans shows that the majority of Google's rev Read More
Users share and consume different content depending on the network they're on. Facebook tends to be the place for politics and family, while Twitter is the natural forum for snappy, real-time topics like news, finance and sports, a new report reveals.'s Q2 2014 consumer sharing tre Read More
This infographic from idgglobalsolutions looks at mobile device adoption between Generation X and Millennials. Read More
Forget what you know about the WiFi and Internet, especially the part where you have to pay to access it.

A game changing project called the Outernet by the Media Development Investment Fund, aims to bring free, unlimited and universal web access to the entire planet.
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"If you're going to invest time in social media marketing, you need to measure performance, but it can be difficult to identify relevant metrics.
There's no one-size-fits-all method of measuring social media success, because goals vary from company to company. But you can certainly find ways to me Read More
"When designing visual content, it's sometimes tempting to just get it out the door, but it's important to remember the basics of good design."
The below infographic from proposes 10 best practices for designing effective visual communication with examples, that will help ensure your vis Read More
"Content marketing works. But getting it to work can be quite a slog. Arnie Kuenn from Content Marketing Institute interviewed 8 content marketing experts on the challenges content marketers frequently face, and how to overcome them."

Here are top two of them: Read More
You've created an informative and professional looking video intro for your brand. Now what? The next step is to get your video seen by as many people as possible (Unless your business deals exclusively in adorable kittens and internet memes, that is). All it takes is a little knowledge of search e Read More
The international online opportunities seem obvious, but the process can appear daunting.

Follow this step-by-step guide, build your expertise on search engine optimisation and learn how to develop a strategy which grows your brand's reach into international online markets. Read More
Adweek has shared the following graphic that challenges a lot of the assumptions marketers tend to make about the visual search engine - Pinterest. Read More

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