These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Rather than getting overwhelmed with lots of marketing to dos, break down your tweaks over the calendar year. This post is a great place to start. Read More
Ready to take your freelancing business to the next level? Add these 5 resolutions to your list and see where they take you this year. Read More
Ever wonder what size your Twitter avatar should be? What about your Facebook banner image? This infographic gives you the lowdown on all of it. Read More
Every corporation is required to have a Board of Directors. Here's how to select the right people for yours. Read More
Before you decide on a business structure, read this! You'll learn 6 things you didn't already know about LLCs. Read More
These three questions are essential for planning your marketing strategy for 2015. Make sure you know the answers! Read More
Looking to make a difference with your marketing this year? Start with these 6 tips to ensure your marketing kicks butt in 2015. Read More
Incorporating your business protects your personal assets. If you want to incorporate a business in 2015, here are the 5 places to start. Read More
Looking to get better ranking for your website or blog? Use these easy SEO-friendly tips to get there. Read More
Now is a great time to show your staff how much you really appreciate them. Here are 4 ways to do so. Read More

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