These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I totally believe that being CEO of my company has completely improved the quality of my life. I’m doing what I love, and my kids see that.

Being raised by entrepreneurs has made my kids special. Here's what I hope they've learned from me. Read More
How can you expect people to be excited about your new product if they don’t hear about it beforehand? Sure, in a few weeks or months, news will trickle out. Early adopters will tell others, who will check it out. But you want people chomping at the bit before you’ve launched your new product. Read More
With no guarantees in the job market, sometimes starting a business is your best option. People that have been downsized…let go by their employers, are becoming more open to the idea of entrepreneurship or self-employment. Read More
Starting a business creates a lot of questions for you as the owner. What should you sell? Who are your customers? Will this even work?

But there are other essential questions that you need to find answers to before you even open your (physical or virtual) doors. Let’s look at a few of them and Read More
Writing a boilerplate is essential if you're writing your own press release. Learn how to in just 5 minutes here. Read More
Now that your taxes are filed, take some time for yourself. You'll be a better entrepreneur for it. Read More
Want to protect your creative property? You can protect your intellectual property and content with a copyright, trademark, or patent. Read More
Seriously boost your press release reads by including the most effective types of images when publishing your press releases. Read More
How to form an LLC: Get everything you need to know, from starting your business to growing it, right here. Read More
Trying to get more customers? Give social couponing a try. Here's what you need to get started and begin seeing a flood of customers. Read More

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