KelvinIsAwesome submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Finding authentic subject matter expertise isn't as difficult as most people think. It's when people try to fake that expertise that your content runs into trouble. Read More
The best email marketing campaigns are always a work in progress. Heres 5 things Ive learned from one of my most successful campaigns. Read More

4 Rules For a Hilarious Social Media Campaign

Avatar Posted by KelvinIsAwesome under Social Media
From 3427 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on March 12, 2015 6:46 am
If you hate laughing, then a hilarious social media campaign is not for you. Also, I hate when companies try to guilt readers into something. Anyways, humour is the easiest way to create an impact that resonates with your audience. But only if you're good at making the funnys. Here's how to do that Read More

It Takes 3 Years to Become a Writer

Avatar Posted by KelvinIsAwesome under Social Media
From 3536 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on November 28, 2014 10:20 pm
Become a writer, they said. It will be fun, they said. The true story of the last 3 years of my life trying to start a writing company. Read More
When one story ends, a new story will take its place. This is a true story of how I got the idea for a fiction story called Andy & The Occult, The Truth of Pure Evil. Read More
The space that exists between writing fiction and writing non-fiction is scary. But for me, I can't have one without the other. Read More
This summer I finally agreed to the chore of binge-watching Breaking Bad. It took 3 weeks, and here's what I immediately wrote down. Read More
It's real, it's gnarly, & I've been explaining it for two months now. Here's how my beard made me a better writer. Read More
Once the (digital) ink is dry, the work to ensure your post gets read has just begun. Promoting blog posts doesn't have to be time-consuming, either... Read More
Securing repeating contracts in any industry is easy, it just takes a lot of work. Blogging contracts are no exception. Read More

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