2012Taxes voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Believe it or not, you don't have to blog to be successful online. Here's why (from someone who makes her living blogging for businesses online). Read More
It’s not easy to start your own business, and unless you’ve done it before you often have no idea where to begin. We asked 10 respected small business experts to share what they believe is most important when starting a business. Here’s their advice. Read More
As an advisor to early-stage entrepreneurs, I see a lot of dreams, but not so many business results. I’m always excited by the dream, and disappointed by what I perceive as a lack of courage in many people to take the actions required to realize the dream. I’ve always wished I had a magic metaphor Read More

4 signs your content marketing strategy needs a makeover

4 signs your content marketing strategy needs a makeover  - http://www.cio.com Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Online Marketing
From http://www.cio.com 2712 days ago
Made Hot by: nikhilganotra on February 3, 2017 2:55 pm
As most marketers know, there is an unbelievable amount of potential in the realm of content marketing. It's perhaps one of the most advantageous marketing strategies brought forth by the digital era. This is due to the fact that, if done correctly, it can work like magic to bridge the gap between Read More

Email Signature: Create It So It Sells Your Business

Email Signature: Create It So It Sells Your Business - http://twofeetmarketing.com Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Direct Marketing
From http://twofeetmarketing.com 2712 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 3, 2017 11:09 pm
Email marketing usually focus on the mass emails. Yet you can also market using email when you are having general conversations. Here is how you can turn your signature into marketing gold-dust with a free template to help you. Read More
A must-read list of tools, apps and resources that help you coordinate, manage and develop your marketing and business growth this year.
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Sure, creating quality content is one of the fundamental pillars of a strong website. However, after this content is created, it doesn't stand a chance to get read if you don't promote it. Content promotion is key and influencer outreach is a proven tactic that works.
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How to Build an All-Star Social Media Team in 5 Steps

How to Build an All-Star Social Media Team in 5 Steps - https://blog.bufferapp.com Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Social Media
From https://blog.bufferapp.com 2713 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on February 2, 2017 12:30 pm
We often talk about the importance of social media managers and the amazing people who handle social media as a team of one. But often, for agencies, larger enterprises, and even some small businesses, social media is handled by teams of people covering a broad range of skills. Read More
If you’re looking to content marketing to sell your product or service, here’s why you might want to rethink your expectations. Read More

5 Ways your Business Can Get Past the January Blues

5 Ways your Business Can Get Past the January Blues  - https://fundbox.com Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Management
From https://fundbox.com 2714 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 2, 2017 1:33 pm
For many businesses, January can be a deadbeat month. With the holiday over and cold weather in the air, coming back after the break can be hard. Employee morale can also take a dip which, in turn, lowers productivity. But small business owners can’t afford to get the January blues. Try to look as Read More

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