2012Taxes voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Create Content that Deeply Engages Your Audience

How to Create Content that Deeply Engages Your Audience  - http://www.copyblogger.com Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Online Marketing
From http://www.copyblogger.com 2703 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on February 10, 2017 7:34 pm
Art Silverman had a vendetta against popcorn.

Silverman wanted to educate the public about the fact that a typical bag of movie popcorn has 37 grams of saturated fat, while the USDA recommends you have no more than 20 grams in an entire day. Read More

11 Social Media Tactics That You Should Test Today

11 Social Media Tactics That You Should Test Today - https://www.postplanner.com Avatar Posted by rradice under Social Media
From https://www.postplanner.com 2703 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 9, 2017 2:09 pm
With so many social media tactics to choose from, how do you pick the right one? Here's 11 overlooked, but highly effective tactics that you should test today. Read More
Team building is a challenge that startups and large businesses face alike. Enterprises employ teams instead of individuals to get jobs done. They do it because teams can accomplish tasks in less time and with greater efficiency. Read More
In our State of Social Media report, eighty-three percent of marketers said they’d like to create more video content in 2017. Read More

How to Motivate Yourself and Others

How to Motivate Yourself and Others - https://corporatecoachgroup.com Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From https://corporatecoachgroup.com 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on February 9, 2017 11:12 pm
To be happy, everyone needs to have a goal. If you have a goal, then you have something to aim for. Goals give you a mental image of a better future. With a goal, you have hope, desire, ambition, motivation and enthusiasm. Read More

The Lowdown: Is Incorporating Your Business Worth It?

The Lowdown: Is Incorporating Your Business Worth It? - https://blog.scottsmarketplace.com Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Marketing
From https://blog.scottsmarketplace.com 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on February 8, 2017 8:26 pm
Deciding to incorporate your ecommerce business could be the smartest business move you make all year. Here's how to start. Read More
As a startup founder, you're probably looking for ways to cut costs wherever possible. Fortunately, sweat equity can help make up for a trim marketing budget. Read More

3 Common Myths About Starting A Business

3 Common Myths About Starting A Business  - https://blog.crowdspring.com Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Startups
From https://blog.crowdspring.com 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: amandaw on February 10, 2017 2:17 pm
Time and time again, experts in entrepreneurship and business (often with little to no operating experience of their own) offer formulaic advice on what startups must do to succeed. Here are 3 common myths about starting a business - and why they're wrong. Read More

How to get employees to crush your business goals

How to get employees to crush your business goals  - https://www.alphagamma.eu Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Management
From https://www.alphagamma.eu 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on February 8, 2017 1:36 pm
How many times have you seen corporate goals or objectives rolled out to an organisation in a company-wide meeting?

At first, the employees are all fired up, they clap exuberantly, and then they forget about them within 24 hours!

In another situation, the goals are presented in a vaguely word Read More

10 Essential Ingredients of Successful Businesses

10 Essential Ingredients of Successful Businesses - https://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Startups
From https://smallbiztrends.com 2704 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on February 8, 2017 2:01 pm
Have you ever wondered if there’s one most important technique or approach most small business owners use for success? There’s not! But there are some essential ingredients that go into building almost every successful small business.
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