Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why did you become a franchise owner?

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on June 26, 2013 8:44 am
The Franchise King, Joel Libava, writes about why it's so important to remember why you became a franchise business owner. Important read for all franchise owners! Read More
Marketing is everything these days. You can have the best technology, but if customers don’t know you exist, or they don’t know how your technology solves a real problem for them, your startup will fail. Yet I see many entrepreneurs that focus on the basics of marketing too little and too late. Read More

AdClarity: Competitive Intelligence Made Easy

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Online Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: OmniDesign on June 26, 2013 5:11 am
AdClarity helps you discover more about your competitors, also what your competitors can find out about Your business. Read More

The Importance of Differentiated Content

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on June 26, 2013 9:16 am
In a recent interview I did with SEO expert Eric Enge we started talking about the role content marketing plays in SEO. In my experience, without great content to propel your brand forward sooner or later your SEO campaign is bound to fall stagnant. Read More
To make social media a beneficial component of your marketing mix, it is important to layout a detailed plan that will serve as your guide. A well thought out plan will save you time and effort in the long run. I’ve added my own ideas (in ital) to a recent post from Mashable that describes some ste Read More

10 Trends in Small Business Retailing

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on June 26, 2013 6:08 am
Small businesses dominate the retail business. While big companies such as Wal-Mart, Nordstrom’s, Best Buy, Bloomingdale’s, and others fill the business headlines; about ninety-five percent of retailers in the United States only have one-store outlets. Read More

10 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete With Big Boys

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Management
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on June 25, 2013 10:37 am
When mass marketers like Wal-Mart and Home Depot move into town, many small businesses become fearful for their very survival, particularly if these businesses become direct competition. Yet despite the emergence of these multi-million dollar businesses, many small businesses continue to thrive and Read More
Denise Posnak, founder of MyBOD™ Wellness Online Pilates and Yoga, is taking an innovative approach to her business. Instead of limiting her customer base to those living in her immediate area, Posnak provides her classes via the web. Utilizing Skype and Google+, Posnak is able to offer one-on-one Read More

4 Tips On How To Make The Most of Earned Media

Avatar Posted by Webdev1 under Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on June 26, 2013 10:30 am
Making your earned media an effective source of new traffic can sometimes be a difficult process to manage.

You have a great third party endorsement whether it be a positive review or great press coverage. But one earned media placement only goes as far as the immediate audience and it Read More
We’ve all been there: days when you just don’t want to work.So start now with these 10 actionable tips for staying motivated as a freelance writer. Read More

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