AmyJordan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It’s 3 weeks until Cyber Monday. You think you have plenty of time to plan, but that’s when you see your inbox - it’s full of Cyber Monday offers.

You haven’t even started! How are you going to compete? There's a solution: a calendar containing what to launch & when to launch it. Here it is... Read More
For business users of Twitter, retweeting has been a popular technique almost since Twitter was founded back in 2006. Fast forward eight years, and the venerable retweet now has serious competition from its close cousin the favorite. Read More
SendOwl makes it easy for you to sell your own digital products without needed to worry about security or the technical details of a shopping cart. Read More
Outsourcing is a key ingredient in scaling an online business quickly. It’s way more convenient than having to hire full time employees. Instead you hire a person for a one time job and that saves you a lot of time and money.

Blogging can be considered a small business that you can start at the Read More
At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas Search Engine Journal had the opportunity to talk to talk to Steve Floyd of AXZM. There is not enough talk about how a customer’s path to purchase has changed, which is an area that Steve is very familiar with. Read More
Tips to help copywriters refresh their skills when stuck in a rut.
You live to write compelling copy that connects with people, treating every little word with a bit of carefully-thought-out TLC. But as a content marketer, stretching your mind in a million different ways for a million different pr Read More
Don't believe everything you hear! Discover 5 of the most pervasive myths about copywriters, and why they're completely and utterly untrue. Read More

Crowd-Funding Success Usually Brings New Challenges

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3610 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on November 15, 2014 3:11 am
Many entrepreneurs seems to be convinced that the “crowd” of regular people using the Internet will somehow solve their startup funding needs, when they sense a lack of interest from accredited investors. Professionals maintain that there is plenty of money and equity for qualified startups, and fu Read More
"Improving your Twitter strategy is one of the best ways to enhance your overall social media marketing efforts. With these 33 Twitter tips, in 140 characters or less, you can easily elevate your Twitter savviness." Read More
Whether you’re a small or far-reaching business – or cater to hundreds or thousands – increasing your marketing presence requires strategies which help your content reflect who you are as a business owner. Read More

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