AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Check out 2013's latest hiring and compensation trends. Small business wage growth is outdoing larger companies, but all are worried about employee retention. Read More
Just like moths to a flame, the idea of having setting up and writing a blog attracts many businesses every year, only to get burned as the reality of what is involved to maintain it becomes clear. Read More
If you decide that 2013 is the year to sell out there is a key process you need to pass - the Due Diligence Test. To beat the odds of 1 in 6000 (27.3m US businesses, only around 6000 will exit this year for $10m or more) you will need to pass through this rigorous process.Many fail this test. My re Read More

Is Multitasking More Efficient?

Avatar Posted by saragsw under Self-Development
From 4192 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on April 8, 2013 2:58 am
Does it really do more good than harm? In this article, we will answer these questions, test our multitasking abilities, and gain an insight on the most efficient way to increase productivity. Read More

When It Comes to Startups, Does Age Really Matter? - CareerFuel

Avatar Posted by Heathervanw under Startups
From 4193 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on April 11, 2013 1:16 pm
Is there an "ideal" age to do a startup? Not really-- both age and youth have there pros and cons. Without question it is easier to pull off the time demands of a startup when completely unencumbered, but age brings wisdom that youth lacks. Read More
The success of any business is largely dependent on its employees. Good employees can help improve the business, and by the same token, bad employees can sink it into bankruptcy. That is why hiring good employees should be of paramount importance to all businesses, and particularly so for small bus Read More
Starting a business and reinventing yourself can help pave way for a successful future. This is one of the most important steps to take towards a meaningful life. Are you ready to take the risk? Read More

Giving Yourself a Break

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Management
From 4194 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on April 11, 2013 8:20 am
If work is stressing you out, find time for yourself. It'll be the best thing you can do for yourself personally, and for your business. Read More
By Joseph Oni

What is the best way to take your business to the next level? Depending on who you ask, you’ll probably hear something like “do more marketing,” “invest in SEO,” “social media is the next big thing,” “content marketing is the rage these days” etc.

I could keep going on and on wi Read More

Provide Customer Service through Social Media

Avatar Posted by BalajiGS under Social Media
From 4194 days ago
Made Hot by: ioncannon on April 8, 2013 7:52 pm
You probably would have heard a lot about social media marketing, but did you ever think that you can provide customer service through social media? Read More

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