AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The goal of pricing a product or service for any small business owner is to charge the maximum amount that customer is willing to pay and maximize profit. How do you do that? Here is an Infographic showing pricing techniques small businesses can deploy to maximize sales and profit. Read More
If you haven’t noticed, social media has changed the rules of customer engagement. Instead of writing that carefully crafted marketing brochure and selling ads and other forms of interrupt marketing, you need to be engaging more directly with your customers. Read More
By Donncha Hughes

I think that everyone agrees that Testimonials from customers are an excellent marketing tool. They can be featured on your website, on LinkedIn and included in tenders, brochures and sales proposals. This post will address what I think should be included in a testimonial. A cl Read More
How important is technology to today’s small business? So important, according to the recently released Brother Small Business Survey from Brother International Corp., that 75 percent of small business owners say a crashed computer disrupts their business more than a sick employee.
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What’s the best price for your products?

Choosing the right price for your product can make you get a headache.
Pick a low price and you’ll earn too little from your sales, pick a high price and you’ll sell only a few products.

Well, to tell the truth, it’s even more complex than this.
For Read More
Alexa rank of a website shows the rank of a particular site based on the traffic it gets. Here are some tips to get a great Alexa rank. Read More
The success of any business is largely dependent on its employees. Good employees can help improve the business, and by the same token, bad employees can sink it into bankruptcy. That is why hiring good employees should be of paramount importance to all businesses, and particularly so for small bus Read More
For the last three months, I’ve been trying to resolve a payment issue with Reliance Home Comfort, a water heater service provider in Canada.

When my wife and I moved home last July, we switched from our current provider to Reliance, and took advantage of a special introductory offer that would Read More
The mobile space is really gaining ground and increasingly companies and individuals are starting to get more traction through this medium. But is it right for your company? Read More

Six Characteristics of a Solid Employee

Avatar Posted by chrissyastbury under Self-Development
From 4209 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on March 23, 2013 3:52 pm
Not sure if your employees are a good fit for your firm? Here are six characteristics of a solid employee that will help your small business achieve its goals. Read More

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