AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many small business owners are scared of competing against their larger rivals. However, you can beat them at their own game and become a very successful small business owner. In this post we explain why. Read More
Every business owner encounters difficult employees in the course of running his business. While your first reaction may be to fire him, it may not be as easy to do as it sounds. The 4-step approach described here helps you minimize the impact on you and your business. Read More
You need to have a delicate balance between having too few employees and too many. This post shows when and under what circumstances you should hire additional employees in the small business. Read More
The difference between working ON the business and FOR it is very subtle, but it can make a huge difference in what happens to your business in the long-term. This post shows how you can ensure you are working ON your business and not FOR it. Read More
The difference between working ON the business and FOR it is very subtle, but it can make a huge difference in what happens to your business in the long-term. This post explains the difference in the final outcome from these two options. Read More
For many small business, the process of onboarding a new employee is reduced to a mere checklist of tasks to be completed and forms to be submitted. However, by implementing best practices described in this post businesses can benefit a great deal from the new hire. Read More
When buying a franchise business you should make sure the franchise you are looking to get into is good and will make you successful as well. After all, selecting the wrong franchise can hurt you and may even wipe out your hard earned savings. In this post we have listed traps many novice business Read More
Small business owners can improve their brands, while increasing sales by 10-20% by teaming up with the “cool” businesses. . It can also improve the brand image of your company by “rubbing some the coolness” from your partner to your business. This post shows practical ideas to go about establishin Read More
Small business owners can improve their brands, while increasing sales by 10-20% by teaming up with the “cool” businesses. Associations with cool vendors can create a win-win for both partners. Read More
Few wildly successful companies have mastered the art of saying NO to everything. Instead they focus on the things that matter most and execute on them with perfection. The companies described here provide good lesson to all small business owners on how to be successful by learning to say NO. Read More

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