Angie593 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you looking for the reasons why single sign-on solutions have gotten so widespread? Here is the blog that will clear your doubts. Read More

3 Proven Tips for Generating More Creativity in 5 Minutes or Less

3 Proven Tips for Generating More Creativity in 5 Minutes or Less - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Self-Development
From 2794 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdiepre13 on November 10, 2016 4:23 pm
Need to think outside the box on a challenging problem that requires more abstract thinking than usual? Try the following for generating more creativity. Read More

7 Tricks and Tools to Build a Solid Social Media Presence

7 Tricks and Tools to Build a Solid Social Media Presence  - Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Resources
From 2795 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on November 10, 2016 8:45 am
Social media is here to stay, and as every marketer knows. Considering this fact, you’ve definitely had a stab at social media marketing by this point. Some of you may have succeeded, while some of you may be stuck with limited engagement on your social media pages.
Read More

What is Google Drive and how it works?

What is Google Drive and how it works? - Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Products and Services
From 2795 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on November 10, 2016 4:35 am
Have you ever used Google Drive? If not, then, find out what is Google Drive and how it works?

Just like its competitors OneDrive and DropBox, Google Drive is regarded as one of the most popular cloud-based storage services from Google family. Read More

How to Take Your Best Working Vacation

How to Take Your Best Working Vacation  - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Self-Development
From 2795 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on November 10, 2016 3:31 am
While those lucky enough to take a long vacation busy themselves with preparations, the rest of us look on enviously.

Grudgingly, we accept that often there simply isn’t the possibility to take a chunk of time to go off to a far-flung destination.

Projects need work. Deadlines need to be hit. Read More
franz. is the very first international student competition in sports, where you, undergraduate and graduate students, have direct access to the world’s preeminent sports institutions.

Its aim is not to produce concepts and slides that will disappear into a drawer once the competition is over. Th Read More
Here are some of the best smartphone apps that can actually pay you cash or gift cards in exchange for doing everything from completing your daily workout to uploading a photo. Read More
Something that creates a massive boost when it comes to worker satisfaction is a feeling of a community. It’s a feeling of having friends in the workplace, of being part of something. Working with the right people can really make or break any given job. But, does community boost productivity? Read More
Yes, Skype can be really easy to setup and use, but can it really be trusted for all your business communication needs? Below are some of the best Skype alternatives for small business you should be using right now.... Read More
Business branding greatly impacts how customers perceive you and your products'/services’ quality. Your company’s website is their first impression so you want to make it stand out. Read More

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