BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There is nothing worse than having to waste time and energy dealing with spam when you’d rather be getting important things done. Read More

Are Your Profiles Turning People Off?

Avatar Posted by stephanieward under Marketing
From 4361 days ago
Made Hot by: dEvangelize on October 21, 2012 5:03 pm
How you describe yourself and your business can make a huge difference in the level of your success. When is the last time you took a close look at all of your profiles? Watch this short video on how to create the most effective profiles. Read More
Here are some of the reason on why do I respond to each and every comment on my blog and why you should too: Read More

The World’s First Green Investment Bank Launched

Avatar Posted by alastair under Finance
From 4363 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on October 21, 2012 2:20 am
The world's first Green Investment Bank is being established. The plan is to invest in green business and the green economy and the project has the backing of major heavy weights such as Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Read More
The Dublin Web Summit was held earlier this week. One of my favourite talks was by Joanna Lord from SEOmoz, Joanna had some great insights into how marketers could be doing things differently, and gave the audience 4 great takeaways on how they could improve their Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Read More

How to never fear the competition ever again! �

Avatar Posted by Berndgeropp under Marketing
From 4364 days ago
Made Hot by: dEvangelize on October 19, 2012 3:53 am
Imagine you could click your heels, and just like that – you are not in competition any more. You are now the undisputed number 1 in your market – sounds pretty good, right?

Unfortunately you are still in Kansas and Dorothy’s red slippers only work in the movies. But the good news is that a meth Read More

How Corporate Volunteer Programs Increase Employee Engagement

Avatar Posted by causecast under Human Resources
From 4364 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on October 21, 2012 1:06 am
There are three key ways that workplace volunteering translates into better workplace engagement ... Read More

Top 7 Sports Philosophies Every Business Should Implement

Avatar Posted by mteter under Strategy
From 4365 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 22, 2012 1:50 am
I see so many parallels between sports and business.As a business owner or manager, your job is to help the people on your team be successful. Read More

Virgin America Customer Service (Oxymorons)

Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Public Relations
From 4365 days ago
Made Hot by: titanofindustry on October 21, 2012 12:46 am
In the era of social media, you'd think Virgin America would care more about customer service. And that Sir Richard Branson, a customer service God, would, too. Read More

Should You Use Google’s New Disavow Tool? -

Avatar Posted by LeslieGilmour under Online Marketing
From 4365 days ago
Made Hot by: ldfushan on October 22, 2012 4:33 am
Now we have the disavow tool in Google Webmaster Central - but should you use it? And for what links should it be used? Read More

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