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Social Media Mistakes that Sabotage Your Results

Avatar Posted by FixCourse under Social Media
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on May 25, 2013 4:03 am
Most social media campaigns are doomed from the beginning. Nothing you can't recover from. But if you start off on the wrong foot, then it's hard to convince others (or yourself) to keep persevering in the face of lackluster results. Read More
If a friend walks up to you and asks for advice on how he or she could improve his/her entrepreneurial skill, what will you say to this friend of yours?

Let me share with you some iron clad entrepreneurial skills development strategies. If you seek to develop or improve your entrepreneurial skil Read More
Website optimization is the first class in Hubspot Academy's Inbound Marketing Program. Here's an overview of what is learned. Read More
For cash-strapped small business owners looking to keep their operating costs down, free software programs and services can be a real Godsend. But, there are some inherent dangers to relying solely on free platforms and services to run your business. Read More

The 7 Most Dangerous Blog Design Mistakes

Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Online Marketing
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on May 22, 2013 7:31 pm
First impressions are so important. Not just in the online world, but in pretty much anything in life as well. The experts say that you only have about 7 seconds to motivate a new visitor to stick around. Read More
Many small business owners hire SEO experts, website developers, and consultants to help them with online marketing. But, if you don’t know what to look for you can easily be taken for a ride and have little to nothing to show for all your investment of time and money. Here's how to avoid this. Read More
Share Juice Pro is a new social premium sharing plugin for WordPress that I started testing lately and to be honest with you, I so much love all the features. Its flexible interface gives you complete control over how you present social media “call to actions” to your readers and followers. Read More
After last year’s Facebook IPO, the amount of ads, sponsored content and other ‘stuff’ you might like, increased tremendously. Adblock plus will help you survive. Read More
If you'd rather tackle differential calculus than track your social media analytics, this plain-English post from Social Media Examiner is for you. Read More
Twenty-six-year-old David Karp is the ultimate rags to riches success story. With today's announcement that Yahoo will buy Tumblr, a social blogging platform he launched in his mom's apartment at at 21, Karp is now a mega-millionaire. Think your small startup can't make it big? Read this story and Read More

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