GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Content marketing is an integral part of your digital marketing strategy.

In 2017, we saw extensive adoption of content based promotion across all industries. In 2018, the practice will continue to thrive even more; especially in small and medium sized businesses. Read More
Navigating the world of social media marketing doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. When talking about social media marketing, it is just as important to invest some time in understanding what not to do when using social media for business. Read More

3 Reasons Why It's Easier Than Ever to Become an Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From 2260 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on July 27, 2018 11:06 am
Here are some of the reasons why right now is the best time for leveraging on digital technology to transform your good idea into a smashing success. Read More
Too many entrepreneurs I know still believe that that their great idea will carry the startup, and they may even minimize their own value, especially if they have introvert tendencies. Yet most investors agree that the “idea” is worth nothing alone, and it’s the entrepreneur execution that counts. Read More
Time is money. Here is an interesting look at how much time wasting costs to business owners who are always on the run! Read More
One way to start focusing on creating value is to meet the different needs of a targeted audience. Getting original content organized along with categorizing the different areas of the business being promoted is a good first step to meeting the unique needs of various business audiences Read More
One of the simplest questions I get from aspiring entrepreneurs, and ironically one of the hardest, is “How do I start?” I want to tell them to just start anywhere, but I realize that most have no idea where anywhere is. They just aren’t prepared for the life they want, and are really asking me how Read More
A new webinar “What is Digital Knowledge Management and Why Should Small Businesses Care” from online brand management company Yext contains all the information you need about digital knowledge management and why it’s a strategy you should be deploying for your own business. Watch Webinar Here! Read More

6 Ways to Promote Youtube Video and Get More Views ~ Philipscom

Avatar Posted by pvariel under Strategy
From 2262 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 23, 2018 7:36 am
Videos are mostly the preferred form of entertainment and have taken over the internet by storm so riding this trend is a smart move. You may be good at creating good Youtube Videos but unless you promote there is no meaning to it and it will not reach to the masses. In this post, we share 6 ways Read More
Those who think logically and rationally often thrive in the technology arena, but analytical thinking can also hold us back. Here's how to develop more innovative thoughts and think more "irrationally" to find new ideas and solutions.
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