GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are a lot of germ hotspots around the office – and many of them are not at all where you’d think. Here are eight of the dirtiest places in the office.

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Are you looking for QUICK ways to make your blog profitable? Do you know there’s ONE little technique used widely by most successful marketers to quickly build million dollar blogs? Read More
Do you want to drive results to your blog or website this year? At the start of a new year I like to look back on the past year. I delve into what worked and what didn’t work so well here on Inspire to Thrive.

I try new things here and like to share them with you. You can learn from my mistakes Read More

Is Cold Calling Dead or Should It Still be Part of Your Sales Activity?

Is Cold Calling Dead or Should It Still be Part of Your Sales Activity?  - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Sales
From 2366 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on January 13, 2018 7:26 pm
Do salespeople no longer need to make cold calls to arrange sales appointments with prospects? Is it true that cold calling is dead? Read More

Knowing These 8 Secrets will Save You Money in Your Home Business

Knowing These 8 Secrets will Save You Money in Your Home Business - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Strategy
From 2367 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on January 13, 2018 5:37 pm
It used to be that you mentioned a “home-based business” and people thought about little old ladies going door to door selling Tupperware. Today, the idea of what home-based businesses can be has expanded and the power of the internet, cloud computing and changing business cultures means almost any Read More

Cybersecurity on a Budget: Here are 3 Tips From an Expert

Cybersecurity on a Budget: Here are 3 Tips From an Expert - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 2367 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on January 17, 2018 12:55 pm
Cybersecurity should be a major focus for small businesses in 2018. And it doesn’t need to be expensive. SiteLock President Neill Feather recently shared some predictions about the state of cybersecurity in 2018 with Small Business Trends, along with some tips for small businesses looking to protec Read More
Every business owner and would-be entrepreneur should check out these 28 statistics about AI in 2018 (and beyond). Read More
“I’ll do it tomorrow,” and variations of that excuse echo through the minds of entrepreneurs everywhere. Here's a good look at six reasons why many people habitually procrastinate, and what you can do to create better habits and become more successful. Read More
One of the biggest marketing lesson? Don't Keep All Your Eggs In One Basket.
In 2018, don't only depend on Google, create a brand presence and get more visibility with these search engines (Read detailed benefits listed by research and statistics) Read More
Processes can be used to optimize the things you do every day, and we spend most of our time telling you that!

But where do these processes come from? Really.
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