GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The power of Facebook for businesses big and small in 2018 is real. It's not just marketing buzz or hype. The power and business value is there for the taking for marketers willing to put in the effort to understand how the platform can work for their business. The key is that they must research an Read More

5 Social Media Trends to Prepare You for 2018

5 Social Media Trends to Prepare You for 2018 - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Social Media
From 2378 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on January 4, 2018 12:51 pm
2017 has been a big year for social media. Twitter has seen a 280 character upgrade, visual platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat continue to expand (with rumours of an upcoming 4x4 layout surrounding Instagram), and live stream videos are now one of the most engaging forms of content. With only Read More

To Meet Your Goals, Get Out of Your Own Way

To Meet Your Goals, Get Out of Your Own Way - Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Self-Development
From 2379 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on January 2, 2018 9:15 pm
We must be motivated to make a change. Setting a goal sounds great, in theory, but I’ve seen too many people wait until they were forced to change before doing it. Here’s why. Read More

10 Ways to Branch Out with Your Marketing Strategy in the New Year

10 Ways to Branch Out with Your Marketing Strategy in the New Year - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 2379 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on January 3, 2018 3:02 am
Every marketer has his or her own favorite methods and tools. But branching out can sometimes be beneficial. That’s why it’s a good idea to learn what strategies are working well for other entrepreneurs. Here are some insights from members of the online small business community to help you create a Read More
Building a digital marketing agency is the new business model these days.

It is the surefire way to make passive income if you start it right. Read More
Every culture and community puts pressure on its members to follow the norms. Even young people who start out wanting to be different are called “freaks,” and most are slowly bent back into the norm by the time they “grow up.” Maybe that’s why so many entrepreneurs struggle with building a disrupti Read More

The Difference Between Google Adwords and Facebooks Ads

Avatar Posted by GaryShouldis under Advertising
From 2381 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 3, 2018 7:30 am
If you are new to online advertising and trying to decide whether to use Google Adwords or Facebook Ads, then this video is for you. We discuss both Google Adwords and Facebook Ads and all of the differences between to two and how each platform works. Read More
You represent your brand, but if your brand doesn’t offer anything to the public, you’re not likely to attract customers. It needs value. Fortunately, your brand most likely began with a good idea, and it can provide real value to clients. The trick is communicating that to your audience and being Read More
There is hardly any industry today that remains unaffected from the large influence that Internet of Things has created worldwide and this is getting bigger.
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Email templates can be a great tool to help streamline your responses to customers—but they can also cause communication problems. Here’s how to use them correctly to help improve your customer response process. Read More

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