HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

No matter what's the reason, we (I'm talking about normal people here) all want to be comfortable, adequate and likable. To help you go no further from achievable that, here are 10 common Twitter errors to avoid. Read More
The author warns about the pitfalls of panel presentations and how to avoid them. Read More
A powerful way to market for those who struggle to network in person. Read More
So last night, I watched and listened and thought. And then it came to me. Favre epitimizes the role of quarterback, and the leadership responsibilites associated with that role. Read More
You can do SEO right, or you can do it wrong. Learn about "Black hat" SEO techniques that are designed to trick search engines into giving your site a higher ranking in search results to attract more traffic. More importantly, learn to identify the techniques of "black hat" SEO that you should avoid to keep your web site from being ban Read More
A happy life is all about the journey: friends old and new, school, jobs menial and important, family, activities, sports, hobbies, causes, contributions, travels, learning, experiencing, feeling, growing, challenging, committing, overcoming, enjoying, being Read More
Balancing working capital optimization and reducing pressure on your key suppliers don't have to be mutually exclusive. To bridge this growing gap and satisfy the business needs of BOTH sides of the working capital fence, new technologies have arisen and some traditional methods are getting new looks due to their ability to achieve winning results Read More
Facebook seems to be posing a big problem at work. According to BBC, a council found out that staff was spending an average of 400 hours on it every month. This figure definitely did not please the council and a ban of Facebook from its computers will be put in place soon. Read More

9 Powerful SEO Tips for your Small Business Website

9 Powerful SEO Tips for your Small Business Website - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by sannwood under Online Marketing
From http://smallbizbee.com 5423 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on September 2, 2009 3:25 am
SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of getting search engines to show your website when someone uses them. It can provide a great source of traffic for your website and build new customers and clients. The problem is, though, that most small business sites don't have what it takes to rank well in search engines. This guide will Read More
The 80/20 principal, also known as Pareto's Law, states that around 80 percent of the effects comes from 20 percent of the causes. In other words, 80 percent of the outputs come from 20 percent of the inputs. So, following this same theory with an online marketing strategy, 20 percent of the online marketing that you are partaking in (be it Soci Read More

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