HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Build A Social Media Hiring Strategy

Build A Social Media Hiring Strategy - http://www.businessinsider.com Avatar Posted by ferdinandtan under Social Media
From http://www.businessinsider.com 5421 days ago
Made Hot by: CindyKing on September 3, 2009 1:53 pm
From Entrepreneur.com: This downturn is a great time to develop a social-media recruiting strategy if your company doesn't have one yet. Here are some basic tips for getting started: Read More

Surviving Small Business Failure

Surviving Small Business Failure - http://www.livevideo.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Self-Development
From http://www.livevideo.com 5421 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on September 3, 2009 1:52 pm
In many ways, entrepreneurs are an optimistic lot, but small business failure is always a possibility every small business owner must be ready to face. Setbacks and pitfalls are all a part of the game and, as this entertaining and uplifting video from www.atouchofbusiness.com reminds us all, what's important is how we respond to those setbacks an Read More
Someone recently ask me, “What are the critical things they should do to drive more sales for their business?” I decided to provide all of my readers with a specific breakdown of how I personally try to build my sales week! Read More
A new online community may help forge business relationships using a Wiki format. Greg Cruey of BootStrapMe.com, who has been contributing to the site, posted recently on its status. "I've been contributing over the last few months to the content of a vibrant and growing site that points toward the future of the Internet and has profound potenti Read More
Stephanie Chandler of Small Business Growth Strategies shares these five tips for a better business card. Number one? Put you face on the thing. "It's not about vanity and it's not just for Realtors anymore!" says Chandler. Interestingly, Web gurus often say the same thing about your blog. Let people know who's behind it and what you're all ab Read More

Marketing Podcast with Chris “Trust Agent” Brogan

Marketing Podcast with Chris “Trust Agent” Brogan - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com Avatar Posted by ducttape under Marketing
From http://www.ducttapemarketing.com 5422 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on September 2, 2009 3:08 pm
For this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast I had the pleasure of chatting with Chris Brogan. Chris is the President of New Marketing Labs and co-author of Trust Agents — Using the web to build, influence, improve reputation, and earn trust. Chris really is one of the super stars of the online social media world and while he would never Read More
Yahoo has unofficially rolled out its meme micro-blogging service in English after its soft launch in Spanish and Portuguese. Meme is currently available through invites only. It obviously has the ambition to grab a share in the micro-blogging market; with Twitter currently at the top of the league. Read More

Is Personality a Strategy?

Is Personality a Strategy? - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com Avatar Posted by nidsu under Marketing
From http://www.ducttapemarketing.com 5422 days ago
Made Hot by: CindyKing on September 3, 2009 11:27 am
Is Personality a Strategy? Read More

Why Ben & Jerry's Hubby Hubby is a Social Media Success

Why Ben & Jerry's Hubby Hubby is a Social Media Success - http://www.penn-olson.com Avatar Posted by Sarah_Chong under Social Media
From http://www.penn-olson.com 5422 days ago
Made Hot by: ShirgieFulgencio on September 2, 2009 3:08 pm
Ben & Jerry's, the Vermont ice cream maker has never failed to leverage on social networking tools to create presence. Just yesterday, another strategic move saw it dubbing its iconic flavor, Chubby Hubby to Hubby Hubby. It was a partnership with Freedom to Marry to celebrate Vermont marriage liberty and raise awareness of the importance of marri Read More
Too often we get caught up in making grandiose goals and decisions to do something in life, only to find that these intentions never come to fruition. Why? It is because we go through the exercise of thinking about the intention (which is, in itself an important thing to do), but we do not follow that up with any action. Want to be a millionair Read More

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