HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Heather Gorringe, founder and co-owner of Wiggly Wiggler, a natural gardening business promoting ideas like worm composting, is interviewed about how her company has used sicial media to go high tech global. The company recently won the Dell Small Business Excellence Award for its use of technology to market, engage in conversations and gain ideas Read More

The Multiple Facets Of International Sales Preparation

The Multiple Facets Of International Sales Preparation - http://cindyking.biz Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Sales
From http://cindyking.biz 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on August 27, 2009 6:18 pm
International experience and strong cross-cultural skills are key to successful international sales, but the right preparation is just as important. Good preparation gives you the tools you need to stay focused as you take in all of the information around you— even when cultural differences pop up and you need to adjust your sales strategy. Read More

How Do You Use Social Media For Business?

How Do You Use Social Media For Business? - http://cindyking.biz Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From http://cindyking.biz 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on August 25, 2009 8:34 pm
This is the story of how I got over my initial reluctance to join Twitter and used a business focus to find how to use social media to develop my business. Other businesses can use this same process to find out how to use social media for their business needs. Read More
English is a common language for communication with international clients. But which English? American English and British English. Many businesses are now adopting International English to communicate effectively with a wide international audience. Read More
In this article from KMIR Channel 6 in Palm Springs, you'll find small business tips for hiring independent contractors. Using independent contractors or partnering with other solo entrepreneurs is one eway to expand your business while keeping overhead low. However, it is important to know the difference between subcontractors and employees espe Read More
Here are seven tips to minimize small business risk. From Yahoo! Finance, these tips can help you to reduce risk in a field fraught with uncertainty. Though entrepreneurs are used to taking chances, the article says, it's important to do what's necessary to protect yourself in the event that some gambles don't end up paying off. Though the arti Read More
If you use social networking channels ranging from Facebook to MySpace in the marketing of your small business, you might want to learn more about what social networking demographics have to say about the details of the audience your favorite social networking site reaches. Thanks to social media consultant Radiah K. Givens (check her out @rad4444 Read More

How to Solve a Biz Problem

How to Solve a Biz Problem - http://www.the123of.com Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From http://www.the123of.com 5428 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on August 24, 2009 9:57 pm
When things aren't going well, business can be awfully tough. So, if your situation is one that's not much fun, maybe you have 'a problem'. Is this you? Don't despair, almost every problem has a number of reasonable and workable solutions if you only... Read More
If social media can help you get a job, it can also get you into trouble. Recently, there are two interesting studies circulating around the web that showed the not too good side of social media... Read More
Starting my own business had more to do with curiosity and enthusiasm then with money. Read More

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