HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A Checklist For Business Websites - Part 1 - Demographics

A Checklist For Business Websites - Part 1 - Demographics - http://www.virtuosimedia.com Avatar Posted by VirtuosiMedia under Online Marketing
From http://www.virtuosimedia.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 27, 2009 5:25 pm
Part One of a vital checklist for your business website focuses on demographics, finding your target market, and how your website should change as a result. Read More
Four years after Hurricane Katrina's devastation, New Orleans is experiencing a rebirth of entrepreneurship. Small-business owners who left are now coming back, driven by a sense of mission to help the struggling city and to take advantage of generous tax breaks. Young professionals have moved to the Big Easy to help with its recovery, ... Read More
This is the best list of legal tips for startups I've seen. It's written by an attorney with 25 years helping startups in Silicon Valley. Read More

Your idea sucks, now go do it anyway

Your idea sucks, now go do it anyway - http://blog.asmartbear.com Avatar Posted by jason under Startups
From http://blog.asmartbear.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on August 27, 2009 5:26 pm
Entrepreneurs and marketers get hung up on getting their first ideas as "perfect" as possible. But actually your first idea is just a vehicle to the best idea, so just get started! Read More

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Yelp?

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Yelp? - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Social Media
From http://smallbiztrends.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 27, 2009 2:32 pm
Don't think there's a Web savvy small business owner that doesn't know about Yelp. It's one of the most powerful and authoritative review sites on the Web. However, I was curious to know if SMB owners were really taking full advantage ... Read More
Smaller online ads may be more effective than larger counterparts, a new study by Dynamic Logic found. The study shows that ad shape and placement may be more important than size. Half banners, at 234 x 60, and 180 x 150 rectangles were shown to be more effective than ads that frame the page, like high-profile leaderboards and skyscrapers. It i Read More

Follow Up With Your First International Clients

Follow Up With Your First International Clients - http://cindyking.biz Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Global
From http://cindyking.biz 5426 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on September 2, 2009 1:31 am
Follow-up phone calls are a fast way to get to know new foreign markets. They are simple to do, do not take up much time, and inexpensive with today's international phone services. This is how systematic telephone follow-up becomes a key tactic for any international market entry strategy. Read More
By the end of this year, Twitter will have strategic statistic tools available for businesses on its site. This tool definitely comes with a price, which has not been discussed thus far. Read More
Franchising is all about relationships; and, like in any other human interaction conflicts may arise from time to time. The stronger the relationship, the better one can handle these times of disagreement. Here are 3 simple ways to strengthen relationships with your franchisees: Read More
Jerry Kalish explains which sorts of retirement plans are protected from business bankruptcies--essential reading on the subject. Read More

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