HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Customers love us one minute and hate us the next. Yet, we might be adding to the fickle nature of customers by doing things that bug them. Read More
It's an age-old question in the advertising world: how much of my hard-earned money should I put into marketing my business and building more sales? Ask any marketing expert and they'll tell you a different story. Read More

Have Some Fun Gosh Darn It

Have Some Fun Gosh Darn It - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com Avatar Posted by ducttape under Marketing
From http://www.ducttapemarketing.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: JohnH on August 27, 2009 4:40 pm
I'm taking a few days vacation so I shouldn't even be writing this, but I couldn't help it. (I'll keep it short though) I was walking down a street in a small Idaho town when I came on this sign — it made me chuckle, but more than that it made me really want to see what was going on inside this place because, even though I didn't have any idea Read More

Study: 80% of People Use Twitter for Business

Study: 80% of People Use Twitter for Business - http://www.penn-olson.com Avatar Posted by williswee under Social Media
From http://www.penn-olson.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on August 27, 2009 4:36 pm
According to a new research from Kamaron Research Institute, about 80% of the people use Twitter for business purposes. More than 8 in 10 listed “business” as the reason why they tweet. This holds true for younger twitter-ers as well. Nearly half of those aged 25 and under gave “business” as the primary reason they tweet. Read More
Asking what is after CRM, assumes we have had success with CRM, or that it is time to sweep it under the rug and start a new. Read More
Recently we told the story of Trevor and his dilemma, today we present the suggestions our blog readers made for resolution, and now it is your turn to vote for the one you think is best so they can earn their prize. Read More

Social Media can leave you unemployed

Social Media can leave you unemployed - http://www.examiner.com Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Social Media
From http://www.examiner.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on August 27, 2009 4:47 pm
If you are lucky enough to have a job right now, make sure you use social media responsibly. You might find yourself among the unemployed -- all because you used Twitter, Facebook or some other form of social media to inform your "friends" how much your job sucks. Read More
M.O.G (Men of God) will launch their new album “Someday” and a new clothing line this Saturday at the Mavuno Dome in Nairobi. While they had at their disposal an array of media through which to advertise the event, they settled for the medium of the hour— Facebook. They publicized their event by having Kanji Mbugua, one of Kenya's leading go Read More
Almost all U.S. youths ages 18-24 participate in social media at least once a month, according to a report released this week. The data, from Forrester Research, shows that only 3% of online young people are classified as inactive on social media. The study broke down online social activity among all age groups across the United States and Europe Read More

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