HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Did you know that 25% of India's population with the highest IQ is greater than the total U.S population? Did you know if MySpace is a country, it would be the 5th largest country in the world? I wouldn't know if I didn't catch this video. Read More
From the start of the presidential poll to a vote recount and Neda Soltani's death, the crisis has never failed to get massive media attention both online and offline. What has been particularly striking is how heavily social media is being used to deliver news of the situation to millions of people online. Read More

How to Use Twitter Hashtags for Business

How to Use Twitter Hashtags for Business - http://www.openforum.com Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Online Marketing
From http://www.openforum.com 5426 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on August 26, 2009 3:03 pm
If you've used Twitter for more than a couple of hours, you've probably already seen a tweet or two containing a word with the hash symbol ("#") attached to it. That's what Twitter users call a "hashtag," and at any given time at least one of them can usually be found among the trending topics on Twitter. But what exactly is a hashtag? Read More
In this economy, when budgets are tight and spending is scrutinized, it's often tempting to cut the marketing budget. Not so fast. Before you take this potentially self-defeating step, you may want to perform a few experiments to see which marketing strategies work and which don't. Why eliminate programs that make you money? And why keep the duds Read More
This phone uses a facial recognition software that can be an amazing help to any sales person. No one is shocked to see a person with a mobile phone in hand, and the day you approach someone that you know is probably a client, but you forget their name, this software would allow you to be on top of your game. It is really amazing and is a great ex Read More
The author, Jill Konrath, is a widely-recognized expert and author on sales, selling, being successful in sales. She shared these two things that can sink your sales. Read More

The Toxicity of Silent Problems

The Toxicity of Silent Problems - http://www.withoutwarningcoach.com Avatar Posted by RJohnson4444 under Management
From http://www.withoutwarningcoach.com 5426 days ago
Made Hot by: kimmendrez on August 26, 2009 3:03 pm
A core competency of every organization is to be strong problem solvers. But why is it that some problems are so often avoided, go unnoticed and not solved? Read More

Profitably Using Website Video and Videomail

Profitably Using Website Video and Videomail - http://www.smbtrendwire.com Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From http://www.smbtrendwire.com 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on August 26, 2009 2:58 pm
Excellent podcast. If you have been contemplating using video (and I've been working on some new initiatives with a client), then this is helpful and practical listen. Read More
Wall Street Journal small business columnist Colleen DeBaise explains how to open a restaurant with no money...well, none of your own anyway. DeBaise suggests gaining some experience working the restaurant business and then developing a detailed business plan demonstrating your big idea and the qualities you posses that will enable you to turn it Read More

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