Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Tracking How Small Businesses Spend Money [INFOGRAPHIC]

Avatar Posted by seltzer04 under Finance
From http://www.sbmarketingtools.com 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on July 18, 2013 9:17 pm
Did you know that 50% of business expenses are generated "on the go"?

How do your business expenses compare to the national average.. and are you tracking all your expense right? See how businesses spend and track by category in Infographic study. Read More

50+ SEO Audit Questions and the Tools to Answer Them

Avatar Posted by MSEO under Marketing
From http://www.stuntdubl.com 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on July 20, 2013 3:44 pm
...Understanding the best tools at your disposal and being able to create actionable high value tasks from that information is the important human layer that even the best marketing automation software will always struggle to replicate. Sometimes half the battle is knowing the right questions to a Read More

Why Your Small Business Must Avoid Writing Off Bad Debt

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Finance
From http://experts.allbusiness.com 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on July 23, 2013 12:44 pm
Writing off your business's bad debt is not to be taken lightly. Learn just how negatively it affects your cash flow and how to avoid it. Read More
Before investing in any IT solution, it is important that business decision-makers ask themselves a few questions to ensure they purchase the software and tools that make the most sense for their company. Read More
Is your marketing making you insane? If you keep doing the same type of marketing over and over again, how can you expect different results? Read More
I struggle starting my blog posts in a unique way, it feels that I keep reusing the same old lines over and over and yet I haven’t started a blog posts like this so, mission accomplished. Anyways, I found a promotion online for this program called Lead Skimmer got intrigued and tried to join it, bu Read More
The prevailing wisdom has been that search engines will do the trick provided you can increase your ranking on those pages. However, it appears that social media networks are giving the search engines a run for their money in terms of providing them with organic traffic. You only have to look at th Read More
Getting people to your site is only half the battle. How you convert them to customers is the truly hard part. If you haven't asked yourself how visitors see your website, now's the time. Read More
Guest blogging can be very beneficial to all parties involved. The blog owner can effectively get relevant content for his or her blog without having to pay for it and the guest blogger has the opportunity to reach an entirely new audience, opening up chances to build up backlinks, add people to li Read More

How Trade Shows and Social Media Work Together

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From http://www.brickmarketing.com 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on July 21, 2013 9:17 pm
As marketing strategies become more complex and utilize different tactics it’s necessary for all of these tactics to come together to form one integrated campaign. Trade show marketing has long been a B2B marketing staple. Read More

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