HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One way to work from home is to offer your expertise as a consultant. I personally don't use that word anymore simply because it sounds too formal and it reminds me of corporate America. Some prefer the term coach or strategist, but it all boils down to the same thing. Read More
When it comes to running our own business, we face many challenges. Unfortunately, many new business owners don’t completely understand the world of marketing. Read More
Even though I had this hunger to be great, I felt this fear come over me. I didn’t know what it was. As I got older, it grew and started to cast a shadow. The more I thought about being an artist, the more discouraged I got. What happened? Read More
Did you know that many small businesses like yours are already creating and sharing their own mobile apps? Starting as a simple way to send sticky promotional materials to customers, apps can now do so much more including processing payments, increasing market reach and providing customer service. Read More
In the early days of every business, one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, especially for women entrepreneurs, is the ability to consider what we have to offer as being worthy of value, of having the right to expect compensation for those things we do well. Read More
One of the things I struggle with in today’s highly connected, technological, topsy-turvy, contemporary virtual “workplace” is my hesitancy to unplug for a little while. This is especially true when it comes to official vacation time. Read More
Anyone who is an online writer always wonders in the back of their mind how they can obtain higher paying clients. We all hear of people making $50 and more for simple blog posts, yet it can seem almost impossible to achieve these rates if you are not going about things the right way. Read More
A monthly updated list of upcoming events and conferences for Women, Bloggers and Entrepreneurs. If you have a webinar, teleconference, or other major event that you would like to promote, please email me at [email protected] with Event Listing in the subject field. Read More
“Sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we meet it determines our future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, every form of life has been called upon to meet such a crisis.” Read More
Many industries and fields have their own jargon. Marketing is no different. To a new business owner the terms can be somewhat overwhelming. Throw in acronyms and it becomes even more difficult to decipher what’s being said. Read More

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