HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner. Before you know it school will be out and your quiet hours while the kids are in school will be gone. If you have younger children at home, you may already have ways to multi-task and meet the children’s needs while also sneaking in a little tim Read More
Publicity is different from traditional advertising in that it builds credibility because it is a third party that is distributing the information. With advertising the message is totally controlled by the company Read More
Because so many of you have asked similar questions about Twitter, I thought it would be a good day to discuss how you can use Twitter for building your business and traffic to your blog. Read More
Whether you are selling your own services or those of another company, as a business person you need to be aware of and learn from what's going on around you. This includes knowing your competition. Read More
Needless to say, when I finally got an iPhone it was mind blowing! I was able to manage my business and personal life totally on the go. Now I don’t know how I ever managed without it. Read More
For women who work at home, part of the daily routine includes packing lunches, seeing the little ones to the bus, driving to practice, retrieving them from practice, and making dinner. Oh, and running your business from home fits in there too, right? Read More
Once you and your business get the media’s attention, you can’t stop there. You have to keep the momentum going and build upon the buzz you’ve generated. Here are... Read More
It seems everywhere you look, someone is telling you to write an e-book or informational product to diversify your income, increase your revenue and create a passive source of income. Writing and selling e-books was even discussed at the Blissdom Blogging Conference that I attended in 2011 - it was Read More
What makes you deep down, giggling, joyful and excited to be alive kind of happy? Take a minute and think about the last time you felt that way? What were you doing? How did you feel? Your whole body probably felt energized, your mind fresh and ready to go, you had a huge smile on your face! Read More
Recently Social Media Examiner published their 2012 List of Top Ten Social Media Blogs and like the majority of top lists that are published on the Web, women were underrepresented by a huge margin (only one of of the ten winners was a woman). Read More

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