HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A monthly updated list of upcoming events and conferences for Women, Bloggers and Entrepreneurs. View events taking place virtually and around the country. Read More
Social media has changed the world forever. In just 140 characters or an update to your Facebook status, you have the potential to connect with a complete stranger in the same town or across the globe. In an instant, Friendships are being formed. Business is taking place. People are connecting. And Read More
With podcasts, online radio stations, videos and TV shows produced specifically for the web, more ‘old fashioned’ means of advertising have really taken a back seat. But, does that mean it’s a bad idea to advertise on regular radio or in print? Read More
I noticed that many successful entrepreneurs played sports. Does sports training matter to budding entrepreneurs? What skills do athletes learn that would benefit a new business owner and entrepreneur? Read More
Today I'd like to introduce you to a different kind of affirmation, and I dare say it is the THE most powerful type of affirmation you could ever do. It works well, and it works FAST. Read More
I remember thinking to myself, “I’m never going to be that mom who is totally consumed by her smart-phone that she’s too busy to pay attention to her child”. Read More
The New Year is a great time to reevaluate and reassess where you are in your professional life. Whether you work for someone or you own your business, you may have found that you are not “feeling it” – you might have been overworked, felt underappreciated, or lost your passion for the work you do Read More
You’re so excited, you’ve taken the plunge and entered the world of business owners. This may have happened in many different ways. You may have purchased an established business, you may have inherited one, you may have started one from scratch or you may have joined a reputable direct selling com Read More
When you think of “balance”, what generally comes to mind? If you’re like most people, balance conjures thoughts of giving equal attention to every aspect of your life, like the pieces of a pie. This way of thinking leads people (especially busy work at home moms!) Read More
Are you all settled back into the swing of things at work? Are you ready to see some big results? For two weeks everyone was talking about planning, goal setting and their “one word for the year”. All of these are wonderful ideas, but as you have probably experienced, sometimes nothing happens unti Read More

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