JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The search engines work to please their customers, just like any other business. For Bing, Google and Yahoo, this means providing the best results possible for any and all search queries. One of the ways they are working to improve their user-experience is by offering more personalized results. Read More
Depending on the size of your e-commerce site, properly optimizing it may look like trying to climb Everest in flip flops. A lot of e-commerce site owners are intimidated by all the work that goes into properly optimizing a site, so they put it off and put it off until their site begins to suffer b Read More
While a Computer Science graduate student and lecturer at McMaster University I’ve often had graduating students ask me if I know if any “good jobs” are available. Students are having difficulty finding jobs that they find fulfilling intellectually, that offer opportunities for advancement, and th Read More
This week we learned of the death of Steve Jobs, the leader of Apple computers. Many times when someone I know only through the news dies, I honestly don't Read More
The more you know about a project in the quote stage the better chance you'll win the bid. Win more bids when quoting sales for your small business. Read More
With the never ending deluge of facts, figures and statistics, what do you actually need to see and how often do you need to see it? Don't let the measurements of your success (or failure) slow down your business. Read More

How To Get Twitter And Facebook Fans

How To Get Twitter And Facebook Fans  - http://www.toiletpaperentrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.toiletpaperentrepreneur.com 4650 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on October 7, 2011 7:28 am
They're not your fans or followers: they're your *community*, so think of them like that instead. Incorporating your fans or followers into your brand, listening to their inquiries and making them feel like they matter by adopting their suggestions, featuring them on your page, engaging and rewardi Read More
Okay, by now, you’ll know that I love start-ups, I love my community and yes I have a soft spot for my alma mater McMaster and it’s generation of brand new brains that enter our community with a penchant for both business and hi-tech….so it should be no surprise that our latest DemoCampHamilton3 wa Read More
Yup, time to move along to Part 2 of our Call to Action area in our Online Marketing Program, and we begin with a look at color – and how it can influence and often determine the difference between an effective call to action and one that languishes in last place!

Here’s what we’ve found, color Read More
Reaching success with a virtual team requires trust. Here are seven ways to develop trust on your virtual team. Read More

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