JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media Coups and Bombs

Social Media Coups and Bombs  - http://www.seo-writer.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.seo-writer.com 4605 days ago
Made Hot by: mywifequitherjob on November 23, 2011 1:13 am
Like so many other things, social media is a great communications tool that yields results over time based on hundreds and thousands of interactions, one at a time and incrementally over time. But there were a few coups to report and there were a few lessons to be learned, so here are what the pane Read More
Okay, so if you’ve been following along on our Online Marketing Program, you’ll remember that last week we discussed the off-page optimization beginnings….and today we move to the advanced areas to consider…and that’s citations. What are those you will ask….and the answer is that they are pretty ea Read More
Getting listed in country-specific results has the potential to generate more traffic for your site. Take the time to clarify the origin of your site. Read More

Top 5 Video Marketing Myths

Top 5 Video Marketing Myths - http://www.brickmarketing.com Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From http://www.brickmarketing.com 4606 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on November 22, 2011 4:01 pm
If you aren’t using video to improve your brand visibility online and boost your SEO efforts, you should be. Every business has a website and is fighting for a prominent search engine presence, but there aren’t nearly as many businesses fighting for a YouTube presence. That means that creating and Read More

Canadian Ecommerce By the Numbers [Infographic]

Canadian Ecommerce By the Numbers [Infographic]   - http://www.creditcardscanada.ca Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From http://www.creditcardscanada.ca 4609 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on November 19, 2011 7:28 pm
Credit card use is on the rise, and online spending continues to surge in Canada. Ecommerce in Canada is becoming a big business, growing to $15.3 billion a year. That may be small compared to ecommerce spending in the U.S., but it still represents a substantial increase in online spending for Cana Read More
About 17 months ago or so, it was my pleasure to “bump” into the owners of uncorkedventures.com – an online wine store from California that was a request to do a guest blog on our CanuckSEO site about their own SEO campaign – and I passed on that offer.

Why? Because as I explained it in a blog Read More
Yup, two years since I began this blog and so far, what I can absolutely swear to – is that writing a blog regularily can be a truly uplifting and fun experience. Well…mostly that is, eh!

That’s not to say at times, it’s not been a real chore…trying to come up with a topic that is both newswort Read More
Okie-dokie…we’re jammed and still trying to take on more as opportunity seems to want to know almost daily! I know…you too….isn’t being an entrepreneur about the best “job” in the world! Yup, agreement here on that too!

Okay, so Friday….4 meetings today and then some more SEO keyword research l Read More

Direct Marketing and Other Small Business Wonders

Direct Marketing and Other Small Business Wonders - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Direct Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 4619 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on November 9, 2011 8:47 am
Direct marketing is only one of the many tools available to your small business today. But gaining the knowledge and experience to use these tools effectively is another matter. Check out Josh Grillo’s video on evaluating the pros and cons of your next direct marketing campaign then move on to some Read More

Muhammad Ali’s Lessons for Success

Muhammad Ali’s Lessons for Success - http://self-help.thehappyguy.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Success Stories
From http://self-help.thehappyguy.com 4620 days ago
Made Hot by: mywifequitherjob on November 8, 2011 1:03 am
Ali was not only one of the greatest boxers the world has ever known but he is also known as an incredibly inspiring human being. Here are some of his most inspiring quotes and how important they can be to the person who takes heed. Read More

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