JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Any online marketing professional that knows what they are talking about will tout the benefits of business blogging. It’s a great way to establish your business as a thought leader in a particular industry, drive traffic to your website, and improve link building efforts for SEO. While it’s obviou Read More
In the last few days, Rogers – one of the countryl largest ISP and Telecom firms, announced that they will be selling Yodle’s marketing products/services to Canadian SMBs. WooHOO!

Now that’s news that is plenty interesting in that it sets up direct competition with Canada’s largest seller of ad Read More
Yup, it’s only Thursday evening and I’m tired of watching amateur cooks face off over hamburgers on the Food Channel and with Friday being a full day down at our Innovation Factory for Mentor Committee intakes and meetings and then Cafe iF – I’m going to miss the chance to add a new post here to o Read More
Over the past year, since Xmas actually in 2010 when I got an Apple iPad, I’ve been very much following the rollout of this new hardware, the personal tablet for use at work. Not, as many others do, I’m guessing to surf or watch movies or listen to your own music playlist, but to actually “do” some Read More
After being a part – however small – of the ongoing Innovation Night series of events for our Hamilton based Innovation Factory, it was no surprise that again this past Wednesday, myself and over two hundred other startup aficiandos attended the first 2012 gala event at the MIPs centre! And what an Read More
Okay, so I’ve been mulling over this post now for a couple of days….thinking about how this works, and why it’s most important to be able to spell out what I mean by that title and how to ensure that it will “mean” something to our readers. And I think I’ve gotten “hold” of the rationale….and more Read More
Okay, you know your stuff. You’re either a leading edge (or not so much) web developer or you’re an SMB who keeps his/her ear to the tech ground listening (or not so much either) for the latest in how to build a site that converts leads into buyers. You’re aware of the best practices of all of that Read More
“People don’t search the Internet for information, they search the Internet for Solutions!” Second, I’m working on how to format the blog post in a way that the Review call-to-action is better positioned. I truly believe that customer reviews are a key to small business revenue generation online a Read More
Ahh….Friday again…and as usual it’s been a heck of a week in SEO land! Many many small issues arise throughout a week of working on SEO Campaigns for clients and this past one was no exception. As many of you know, I visit about 200+ sites each and every morning that are news related, opinion relat Read More
Okay, Xmas and New Year’s are done…and it’s back to work and for my “2012 hello there” message, I wanted to point out an obvious foundation to your business intelligence strategy. The simple thought that if your competitors are doing well, i.e. their rankings are better than your own or your client Read More

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